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Day slowly drifts into night as Reine sits inside the wendigo's cave. Jimin now has a fire blazing, a hearty dinner cooking over its flames as she watches the bronze lining of the box glittering in the light.

Taehyung hasn't returned since he walked away from her in the woods, and Reine wonders if he is okay. She knows that whatever he feels when he is around her is something he isn't used to, so she figures he needs time to understand and process what is happening within himself.

"Always lost in that pretty head of yours," Jimin says through a groan as he slides down the wall of the cave to sit next to her. "What's on your mind?"

"The future," Reine says, messing with the frayed end of her cloak. "The past. The present. Everything, I suppose."

"That's a lot to be thinking about when you're supposed to be relaxing and healing," Yoongi chimes from his makeshift bed in the back corner of the cave.

"No one asked you," Jimin grumbles, rolling his eyes as he takes Reine's chin between his fingers to make her look at him instead of the box. "That is tomorrow's worry. For now, you need to not worry about anything except getting a fulfilling meal in your stomach."

"We should wait until Taehyung comes back," she says, her gaze shifting to the tunnel that leads to the entrance as she pulls away from Jimin's gentle grasp. "He needs to get his strength back too."

"I have plenty of strength," Taehyung's voice sounds, the echoes of his low tone bouncing off the rock walls as he comes into view. His hood is pulled over his head, the light dusting of snow on the fabric slowly melting as he moves to sit in front of the fire, across from Jimin and Reine. "You need the food more than we do."

Reine tries to make eye contact with Taehyung, but his gaze remains hidden in the shadows of his hood as he pulls the meat from the fire.

"I could go for some replenishment," Yoongi says, waving his hand weakly in his brother's direction.

"I'm okay," Jimin says, holding his hands up before gesturing for Reine to take the food from Taehyung. "You and Yoongi should eat. Taehyung and I will catch something later."

"We should all eat. We were all injured," Reine argues, shaking her head when Taehyung extends his arm to hold the food out for her to take.

Reine makes out the eye-rolling of Taehyung as his dark eyes shine in the embers of the fire. He stands, taking half of the meat over to Yoongi, who purses his lips to hide his groan of pain as he sits to take it.

"Are you okay?" Reine asks as Yoongi takes a bite of the meat. She watches as he moves to try to get more comfortable, and she doesn't miss the winces of pain crossing his features.

"Never better," he exclaims, grinning through a mouthful of food. "I could take on both of these asses with one hand tied behind my back."

Jimin scoffs and Taehyung ignores the comment as he moves to hand the rest of the food to Reine.

"Eat," he says as she takes the meat in her hands, glancing as Taehyung walks away from her to sit in the darkest corner of the cave. He takes the white dagger from its holster and twirls it around his fingers, his facial features lost in the shadows.

"Something's off," Jimin says, his eyes narrowing as his gaze shifts between Taehyung and Reine.

"Your brain is off," Yoongi says, "though to be fair, it was never on."

"Says the guy who needed a human girl to nearly get herself killed so you could get off your ass and do something useful," Jimin snaps back and Yoongi laughs.

"You are an idiot," he says, throwing the bones from the meat at Jimin, who swats them away. "You did the same thing with the dragon. You put her in harm's way so you could get your precious bow and arrows."

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