ricky Flores ♡//PSYCHO PASS

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         PSYCHO PASS

Thursday ● june ● 2

Now playing psycho pass by Xavier wulf

Gabby's pov: today is a Friday   night and the streets  are always  packed  with street  racers so I decided  to go in my pink camaro and just drive around  and maybe race someone  so I got my purse  and I went in my car and put my purse  in the passenger seat  and connected  my phone to bluetooth  and played  my playlist then I went to Starbucks  and got a drink before  they closed  and I got a text from my friend  saying  if we can race and  I said yes so I went  to a CVS and waited  for her while I was waiting  for her I was looking  at some cars that where parked  at cvs and I saw this  nice dodge  charger then as i was  staring  at the a boy came out of the car

Ricky: hey I'm  ricky

Gabby: I'm  gabby

Ricky: nice car I really like the color

Gabby: thanks It was originally  white but I changed it to pink

Ricky: that's funny because  my friend  that passed  had a white Camaro but you wanna race?

Gabby: I'm  waiting  for my friend  because  me and her are gonna race but yeah sure

Ricky: already  when we pass the bank we stop

We both get in our cars and I pull  out of the parking  lot really fast then I stop at a green light and wait for ricky the pull up next to me I rolled  down my window  and told him that when the light  hits red we go

So I waited  and cars where honking  at me because  it was a green light then the light changed to red so I stepped  on the gas and as I was driving  in the front  there was cars stopped  because  of a red light so I  passed  them quickly  and then we passed the bank and it was a tie then I go back to CVS and I park and wait for my friend  then Ricky  parks next  to me and gets out

Ricky : good race maybe  we can do this again  next week?

Gabby: yeah I always  race on weekends  and fridays

Ricky: alright  can I get your snap

Gabby: yeah sure

I gave ricky my snap and he went on his phone  and added  me so I accepted  him then my friend  parked  next to me and got out her car

Ricky: alright so imma go I needa catch  up with some friends  I'll  see you tomorrow  night?

Gabby: yeah sure bye

Ricky: bye gabby

Then Ricky  left

Gabby's friend: girl spill the tea who was that??

Gabby: Ricky...

Gabby's friend: oooo my bestie finally  has a boyfriend

Gabby: nope I just finished  racing  him and me and him are kinda  friends  but imma race him on Saturday and Sunday  and next week

Gabby's friend: so hes ur little  racing  buddy?

Gabby: sure whatever  you wanna call it

Gabby's friend: you got my hopes up for nothing

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