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the obnoxious teen shouted out of the blue as he randomly stood up. a group of students sat at a table next to him turned to see what the disruption was. as if on reflex, suguru geto had pulled gojo down by his sleeve so he'd sit back on his chair.

"shut up bitch, we're in the library." geto lowly threatened. (AN: augh, but imagine him calling me a bitch and telling me to shut up with that hot voice and face of his)

"but who are you going on about?" he sighed, and looked away from his book to his best friend.

"that girl-!" 

"shut up!" geto hissed, this law abiding citizen wouldn't tolerate anyone being loud in the library - especially not satoru. he was fully aware of his friend's loud and eye-catching personality which is why he rarely took gojo to the library with him. but shoko was busy and geto had to finish his homework, so here he was regretting his life decisions and get the evil-eye from every other student. 

"that girl who was sleeping." gojo whispered.

"what girl?"

"the new one."

"there's a new girl?" geto asked slightly shocked, surely he would've noticed what with all the gojo fangirls that follow him around in hopes of finding out more about satoru.

"yes suguru, keep up." gojo said with sass and sighed dramatically.

"must i always tell you of the tea?" 

"i'm gonna punch you satoru." geto muttered to himself. however, our blue eyed, white haired menace heard him loud and clear - causing him to actually shut up for once.

and as if on cue, the large oak doors of the library burst open and in ran a frantic girl. everyone else had obviously turned to focus on the loud disruption but soon were disinterested and turned away, all except gojo who had his eyes fixated on her as he lightly slapped geto's shoulder. geto furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance but was soon intrigued when he saw the girl who had plagued his best friend's mind.

miko was fearing for her life, she was wide eyed and wishing she would dissappear. i flipped off the head teacher, he's gonna kick me out and dads gonna cry! she cringed and recoiled as she replayed the scene in her head. her middle fingers up in his face, how he flushed purple and looked ready to pounce on her - he was warm! i could feel his f-cking body heat! i'm gonna die, this is the end! 

"watch it!" a voice growled quietly and pulled her out of the way. miko abruptly stumbled in her tracks when she saw she was about to walk headfirst into a brick column. oh shit, that's embarrassing.

"wow you must be an idiot." he chuckled lowly and shook his head slightly. miko narrowed her mismatched eyes at him, sure she may be an idiot but he's not allowed to say anything about it.

"right sukuna, either you go to class or go to after school detention."

the pinkette (AN: I did it, I'm officially a wattpad fanfic author) rolled his eyes and let out a scoff. 

"there must be something i can do." the librarian shook his head in response but soon let out a tired sigh.

"if you want to help out so bad, help this new student to a tour of our magnificent school." he clapped his hands together and forcefully guided the two teenagers to the library doors.

miko turned to the boy, taking a good look at him for the first time. he seemed to have a scowl permanently etched onto his face - but it seemed to suit him. perhaps look quite good on him? shut up miko, the rat got you thrown out the library: your only safe haven!

"hurry up then!" he shouted over his shoulder. he was already half a down the corridor! miko jogged up to him, he didn't even stop to wait for me! some tour guide, miko thought to herself and rolled her eyes. sukuna spared a glance at the new kid and quirked an eyebrow at her. 

"over here is the science department, maths is upstairs, english on the other side along with history. that's our principal mr-" miko widened her eyes in alarm and dragged sukuna by his wrist around the corner of the corridor with as much speed as possible. 

"wha-", he started but stopped himself when he saw miko scribbling on a notepad. the frantic worry was evident in her messy handwriting as her eyes scrunched together in distress. and those damn strands didn't help her situation, she could barely see as it is without her contacts. sukuna stopped himself from staring and quickly looked away before reverting his attention back to her and her message.

long story short -> i swore at his face and now im crying cuz im gonna die

he couldn't help but cackle at the girl. tears formed at the corners of his eyes and he struggled to wipe them away with his shaky hands. sukuna's whole body reverberated while miko merely stared, dumbfounded with wide eyes. is he, is he laughing at me!? she didn't expect this reaction - not in a million years. in the fifteen or so minutes she's known this 'sukuna', she'd never expected to see him smile! let alone laugh. she figured he'd just scoff at her, or ignore her precidament entirely, or drag her to the principal in spite! 

the smaller girl hit his arm and glared at him, which only caused him to laugh even more. at his reaction, she gave up on him and stomped away. 

"wa-wAit!" he called out in between his hysterics. miko spun around to face him from a distance, walking backwards now like the talented queen she is, and stuck her middle finger up at him. she seemed to find herself doing this quite frequently, this school must really piss me off. 

"careful there." a voice chuckled and smirked down at miko. miko spun around, fearful and ready to cry if it was another teacher, only to find the white haired boy from a few days ago with his hands stuck in his pockets. he leant down and stuck his face in hers, a big smiled on his face. miko blushed at the close contact, their noses close to touching, and merely blinked as she stared at his bright, blue eyes. pretty... stop it you simpish cow!

she backed away from him but he grabbed her wrist before she could escape.

"now now, we have business to discuss."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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