Writing Prompt #1

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I saw a flash of bright green and heard many screams as a sharp pain went through my chest. The pain was so horrible, I could barely breathe. It spread all through my body, from my heart to the tips of my fingers and toes. It all felt like an eternity, until the pain stopped. I fell to the ground, no energy to stand. But I had to, I can't stop now.

My hands shaking hard, I forced myself to sit up, before slowly pushing myself to my feet on unsteady legs. My breathing was fast and laboured. I bent down, nearly falling over, and quickly grabbed the long piece of wood in front of me.

I looked to my friends who have been watching me the whole time.

The group all stared at me, eyes wide open with all different expressions. Some with awe, some with shock and even one with a look of horror.

I managed to give them a small, tight smile before I looked in front of me. The man standing there had the look of pure horror and shock on his face. I tried my hardest not to smile from the look on his face.

"H-how?!" The man shouted.

"To be honest, I don't exactly know myself." I shrugged casually. The man's expression turned from shock into rage.

"This isn't possible!!" His face turned red. "No man has ever survived that curse"

I pointed my wand towards his chest. I tilted my head at him, before I started smirking.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm not a man"

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