Do I need love ?

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Becky POV :

After 3 years I finally made up my mind. I packed all my stuff and when I wanted to open the front door someone pulled my hand away, I stopped and turned to look at the same man who had broken my heart.

Tobey: Please Becky. Don't leave I can't live without you.

He looked at me with a sad face. I released my hand from his hand and placed my luggage next to the front door. I turned to face him and slapped him hard.

Becky : You think you can make me forgive you that easy ?!

I started crying now my feelings were mixed with anger, sadness and regret. I looked down at the floor suddenly I felt a hand on my cheek he made me face him and wiped away my tears. I pushed his hand away from my face and looked at him. His face smiled softly suddenly flashback about the day we got married playing in my head he smiled like that day but he was sad.

Tobey : Please love I am sorry...

I didn't say anything I just kept looking at his face I couldn't help feeling sorry.

Tobey: Please becky.

He put both his hands on my shoulders and hugged me. My tears started to flow more.

Tobey: I know it's my fault. I know I continued to ignore you after I got the promotion, I didn't realize what I had done until now.

I started to sob as I buries my face into his shoulder I close me eyes and hugged him back.

Tobey : Forgive me dear I hurt your heart even though I promised you that I would make you the happiest woman in the world. I apologize for breaking the promise I made.
Becky : *sob* I-I *sob* I am *sob* so-sorry too.
Tobey : You don't have to apologize dear it's not your fault but it's all my fault.


( I am sorry I know this story is bad but my brain is losing it so I am sorry again )

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