First Inpression

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September 11 2015 a few years earlier...

Rose's Blog

Hi! This is the first time a opened a blog so dont be to judgy! I made this blog for those boys and girls who have a hard life and need to share it! And this is an anti pirated page so dont be scared! Talk how much you like and i will update it each week! This is Rose speaking... peace out!

I gently closed my laptop in a light headed way. I was so exited for my blog to get it out that i forgot to unpack my boxes. ( P.S I hardly forget things ) I rushed out my room to the home calender and checked the sunday. I was Extremly happy for my first day at high school tommorow.
I could'nt believe it! But it was just 3:40 pm! So i decided i went out. When i was out, i smelled that beatiful fresh air. And continued walking towards the house of teens.

( little recap: the house of teens is an enviroment for kids/teens like me who have stress, problems, being bullied, having suicide ideas or bored/chat place with your friends. It has so many things there. Has a video game section, a mini game section, a chatting section, a support group section and the talent section. Well has also a snack bar but i don't really like the food )

So on my way there, this women past the street and i car past but she didnt got hit. But tge weird thing is, at the same time the car past i didnt saw the lady. The car blocked my vue, and i heard a loud shreak. At the time the car past the women was wounded. I ran to her but, it was to late she died under my paralized eyes. I felt gulty. I look to my right and left and saw a shadow. I screamed in my head.

'Come back here'

It just left. I quiqly opened my phone and called 9-1-1.

10:56 pm

I was ready to go to sleep. But i was youndering how could that lady from today died whit out the car touching her. It could'nt be the car because it was a wound. It could be an animal because no speacie is that fast. Or has tinny teeth marks. But i swear i saw something...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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