Come In

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Wild, Gris and the small imp boy who Wild told them was call Blake were sat on the floor playing board game as Moxxie was helping Blake's mother eat, her name was Jada and Moxxie found her very kind. It seemed she and her mother in-law never got on and after her husband died things only got worse.

"You are very kind"

Jada says looking to Moxxie with kind eyes he smiles placing the souls the boy had giving him in her hand. It was three souls in total making her look to Moxxie in slight confusion.

"Blake gave me this for help but I think better payment is to have you back on your feet and taking that sweet boy away from her"

Moxxie says and a few tears well in Jada eyes and she nods quickly, Moxxie looks to the three on the floor as a small clock on the fireplace mantle strikes six o'clock. Gris looks at the the time and gets up quickly looking a little panicked.

"You alright?"

Wild asks but there was a knowing look in his eye and Gris throws up a smile but Moxxie saw through it.

"Yeh I uh... I gotta go"

Gris says quickly walking to the door and Moxxie nods.

"Good night Gris"

Moxxie says softly Gris stops at the door and looks to him nodding with a weak smile before leaving, Wild stands and walks to the window watching as Gris runs down the street at full speed. Moxxie looks to Wild guessing he knew more about Gris than he was letting on especially after what the horrible grandmother said to Gris.

"There is something wrong at his home, isn't there?"

Moxxie asks and Wild sighs placing his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing I can prove"

Wild says sadly looking to Moxxie who nods making a note to himself that he would always trying to make Gris feel safe and welcome with him.


Early morning Moxxie had headed home seeing as Jada has become stable plus Wild said he would look out for her, he found out Wild was probably the closest thing you could find to law enforcement in the area. As he was walking back he notices that someone was sat outside his shop as he got closer he saw it was clearly was Gris. He looked tired dragging his claw through the dirt as if lost in thought but looks up Moxxie stops in his steps seeing what was going to be very horrible bruise around Gris eye and jaw. Moxxie walks forward also noting Gris lip which was slightly split with dried blood around it. Neither say a word both just staring at eachother till Gris looked to the floor.

"I... Can I come in?"

Gris asks looking back to Moxxie who puts the keys in the lock.

"Ofcourse I was hoping you were going to come and feed our little friend"

Moxxie says softly opening the door and heads inside and was followed by Gris once he was stood.


Gris was smiling as he fed the little plant which was quite hungry after not being fed last night, Moxxie had place a little bit of ointment on Gris cut lip and tape to keep it together. It brought Moxxie joy seeing Gris less nervous when he was here but also didn't know how to help him.

"I know what your thinking"

Gris says sadly placing the lid on the food box his eyes blankly look at the counter, Moxxie leans on the counter looking to him.

"He just... I say the wrong things sometimes, he doesn't mean too he just gets mad"

Gris says softly and Moxxie gently takes Gris hand making him look up.

"Surly you know that isn't right Gris, he shouldn't hurt you"

Moxxie says softly and Gris nods quickly tear were building in his eyes which he rubs away with his sleeve, he sighs looking to Moxxie.

"When I saw you with Striker... He is good to you?"

Gris asks and Moxxie smiles at the mention of the snake but it reminded him how much he already missed him, Moxxie nods quickly.

"He seems scary"

Gris says softly shooting Moxxie an apologetic look making Moxxie laugh so he leans closer.

"Nah he is a big softy really but looks mean, super ticklish too"

Moxxie whispers making Gris giggle the door opens to the shop to see Wild enter Moxxie walks around the counter to put the pot over the fireplace.

"Good morning"

Wild greets his eyes finding Gris injuries who turns back to the small plant trying to hide them.

"Good morning Wild, coffee?"

Moxxie asks keeping an eye on the taller as he grabs a pot off the side, Wild walks closer to Gris who hunched slightly as if trying to burry himself in his jacket.

"Yes please Moxxie"

Wild says leaning on the counter still looking at Gris who was looking at the small plant which was softly swaying, every so often Gris eyes flick to Wild.

"G..good morning Lord Hail"

Gris says formally making Moxxie turn to face them confused, and Wild sighs seeming disappointed.

"Come on Gris you don't need to call me that you know I hate titles"

Wild says sadly and Gris links his fingers together in front of him.


Gris says and Moxxie places down three mugs Wild looks to Moxxie feeling his eyes on him.

"Lady Hail is my sister, I don't much like the title in all honesty bit pompous for my taste"

Wild admits and Moxxie grins seeing the resemblance now, as Wild focus was on Moxxie Gris's eyes look to Wild with a slight longing before he stands quickly from the stool.

"I have to go"

Gris stutters out Wild reaches a hand to stop him which Gris dodges with the speed of a fleeing animal.


Wild calls concerned but was ignored as Gris pulls open the door he stops in the door making his injuries very clear.

"Thankyou for your concern...I'm fine"

Gris says softly looking to Wild who nods slowly placing his own hand to his chest.

"Your not alone Gris"

Wild says simply making Gris blush lightly his eyes dart to the floor and nods turning walking right into a firm chest with a pained noise.

"I'm sorry I"

Gris quickly says coming eye to eye with a ringed eyes of Striker fear was clear in the smaller imps face who rushed out another apology before leaving. Striker watches the imp rush away before stepping inside taking off his hat, Moxxie smiles brightly earning a grin from Striker. Wild does a finger gun to Striker who walks inside taking Wild's hand in a firm handshake.

"Why am I not surprised to see you"

Striker hums and Wild nods motioning to the shop.

"Had to pop by to see if it was true plus Moxxie is already helping folks so wanted to show my support"

Wild says and pulls out a bag of coins placing them on the side.

"The city will cover Jada's treatment"

Wild says heading for the door Striker and Moxxie follow him to the door.

"Your not staying?"

Moxxie asks confused and Wild shakes his head looking from Moxxie to Striker then back.

"I'll let you two be"

Wild says in a knowing tone before leaving so Striker shuts the door, Moxxie steps closer as Striker leans down so they could share a kiss.

"I missed you"

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