His Choice

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Wild was sat at the bar drinking alone his mind on much darker thoughts, he had known Gris since they were children and it tore Wild up seeing Gris hurt like this. He knew Gris was always able to handle himself but his partner was something else, cruel, cold and clearly didn't give a shit about Gris. Wild hated that Gris won't ask for help but he knows from experience that taking matters into his own hands only ends in more trouble for Gris. Wild raises his glass about to drink to see a tattoo on his wrist reading 'words are more than titles' he couldn't help but smile.


Gris holds his chest laying on the floor the cold of the wooden floor keeping him grounded to where he lay.

"Your pathetic"

A voice snarls above him, the words on his own wrist that mirrors Wild's makes the hurt imp smirk up at his attacker.

"At least I'm not you"

Gris chuckles lightly before being grabbed by the shirt.


Moxxie nuzzles into Striker's chest who holds him close kissing the smaller's head. Moxxie looks to Striker his fingers linking with Striker's being thankful he didn't fall into the arms of some abusing asshole in this new world.

"What's wrong?"

Striker asks sleep clearly calling him but Moxxie s clear worry kept him up.

"I think my friend is in danger"

Moxxie says and Striker thinks for a moment remembering the imp Moxxie had spoke of and he himself had noticed. However every memory of said imp had someone watching over him so Striker strokes Moxxie's face.

"It's out of your hands"

Striker says softly and Moxxie shoots him and irritated look so Striker holds up a finger.

"I know who you speak of and trust me you mustn't get involved Mox"

Striker says Moxxie looked unhappy so Striker cups his cheek.


Striker adds making Moxxie look at him.

"Unless you think he is in fatal danger"

Striker says before kissing Moxxie who leans closer reciprocating Striker's kiss pouring his own love back into the kiss. Striker knew he couldn't protect Moxxie forever he was told so by Stolas but hell be damned if he wouldn't try.


Striker was sat in the shop drinking coffee with Moxxie when Gris enters quickly but freezes upon seeing Striker sat near the counter. Moxxie rushed around the side grabbing Gris hand before he could flee out the shop.

"Gris prefect timing!"

Moxxie says leading him into the shop and sets him in the seat he had sat every day since opening. Gris was clearly nervous around Striker who takes the box beside him and offers the tweezers to Gris. Gris looks at Striker who inspects his face and notices that the younger imp had been hit in the face due to one of his pupils was wide like it was permanently dilated.

"I'm glad you came Gris, this is"

Moxxie starts to say but halts when Striker hits Gris in the side of the face with a swift open hand, Moxxie squeaks in horror however before he can get around the counter Striker had grabbed Gris face again checking his eye which had now returns to normal. Striker pulls his blade from his belt and turns the blade in the light checking Gris's iris were normal as they widen and become smaller from the light.

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