Chapter 4 {Part 1}: Lucky Charm

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A/N: I couldn't find a song that suited this chapter part very well, so if you have any ideas on one please let me know!



Morning approached again as I squint at the darts of sunshine peaking out of the window's curtain, my eyes demanding closure but my head telling me to get up already.

It's moving day - The Special Operations Squad is holding responsibility over Eren Jeager, and since it's too risky to keep a potentially life-threatening shifter among civilians, we are moving our Squad to the old Recon Corps headquarters to maximize safety and protection for everyone. I pack up my last remaining possessions and head to the Special Operations Squad Meeting room, when I notice Levi talking closely to two tall men as they all exit the room. Once the men leave, I walk over to Levi about to question hi-

Huh? What am I doing? Stop it. Stop it stop it stop itttttt-

I don't notice Levi looking at me as I slap my face repeatedly trying to think straight when he grabs my wrist suddenly and catches my eyes.

"What did you hear?" He questions, his face serious and his grip tightening.

"Huh? N-nothing, I.." Still fazed, I shake my head to try and wake myself up, but Levi yanks at my wrist getting my full attention.

"No, don't lie. What did you hear?" He snaps, but my trail of thought is quickly fading away, and I don't know what to do.

"Captain, I-I-I don't understand. I'm sorry." The anger on his face disappears, and his grip around my wrist loosens, eventually letting go completely.

"I apologize." I look down, not knowing what to do or say, neither understanding what was going on. He turns his back and walks away, instructing me to finish loading the carts outside. I obey and head out to where the carts are, regaining conscience. My hair keeps flying into my mouth, resulting in a number of cursing and fidgeting as I bundle boxes onto carts.
I suddenly notice a large cart being pushed along covered in sheets and people with ropes tying whatever is contained inside up. The men send the cart off hurriedly, the horses beginning to increase their pace.

I decide to ignore the activity and signal to Levi who is carrying a box of cleaning supplies.


"Yeah. Fully loaded."

"Okay, one more to go then we'll be off."

I help with the last cart, wave a few short farewells to Hanji and Commander Erwin and ride off with the rest of special operations squad.

~Fast forward to arriving at SOS HQ~

I finally recognise a large building appear as we ride through the dark tunnel of trees. I look over at Eren, who appears anxious due to the continuous glare coming from Levi. I sigh and pull out a flask containing fresh water and offer it to Eren, who stares at it for a few seconds before taking it to inspect.

"What, you think I'd put bad stuff in it?" I snarl. He looks at me then back at the flask before taking small sips from it. After about 15 sips I grab the flask off him and swish the water about to sense how much is left. He looks terrified so I sigh and put the flask back in my bag.

"We're here! Finally!" Petra exclaims, almost bouncing up and down on her horse. We settle our horses and carts in the HQ's courtyard when I'm suddenly grabbed from behind.

"Woah! What do you think you'r-" I'm silenced by Levi's cold hard glare as he pushes me in the direction of the surrounding forest.

"Go fetch some wood or something, go!" He demands, swatting my presence as far away as possible. Left totally confused and pissed off, I stomp into the vast gathering of trees, muttering curse words under my breath.

An hour has passed, and it seems I am...


Nonsense, I think, reaching for my collar. I feel around for it, nothing there. My heart suddenly drops down a deep dark hole, I feel hollow, about to disappear any second. My lucky charm, my...

I try to stay calm, but my head is spinning. All I can see are trees, trees, more trees. My hands and legs suddenly feel weightless, my vision goes blurry. I try running, faster and faster, need to get out...

Levi POV

As the last cart is unloaded, I notice a small spec of shimmering metal hiding behind a pile of boxes. I reach over to pick it up - a small pin made of steel- the same material used to make our blades. Engraved on it is a single feather, mid floating. I stare at it for a while before deciding to ask who it belongs to. I go around each member - not theirs. Tch, must be hers I decide, heading out towards the forest.

She's already been away for long enough, guess it's alright to bring her in now. It feels eerily silent in the forest, the only sound being my feet crunching on twigs as I walk through the dark hallows. After almost half an hour of searching, I spot a green cape lying on the ground a few meters away from me. As I near closer to it, I recognise a body lying underneath..


A/N: Oooooo I'm terrible

And yes hello again, I've procrastinated long enough so I finally finished this chapter that's been lying here for months, I hope it's not too un-exciting, I've been reading soooo many shoujo mangas I'm trying my absolute hardest not to go straight into cute heart melting moments.
I also think this chapter is quite short so I'm gonna make it a part 1/2, look forward to part 2 soon!! (Promise)

~Fetus Levi

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