Chapter Eleven

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"It's a long journey, but it's in memory of your mother," Nathalie says, sitting down in her seat. They're on their way to London for the day. Adrien was a bit uneasy about leaving Paris and made sure to tell Ladybug. She pretended it was completely okay, but he knows she's worried about protecting Paris alone.

It's been half a year since Adrien's mother died. His dads way of coping? A fashion exhibition inspired by her. He's already in London since he had to prepare.

"So the looks at the exhibition are inspired by her most famous movie looks?" Adrien asks out of curiosity.

Nathalie nods, "Not just that; some are the real thing. Your father designed some of them himself when they worked on the set of a movie together."

"They worked on a movie set together?" Adrien asks, realising he had no idea.

She nods, smiling, "How do you think they met?"

"Nathalie, how long did you know my mother?" Adrien asks.

Nathalie looks out the window, "Hm, well, I met her as soon as I started working for your father. It was actually a few months before you were born; she was already quite pregnant at the time. Did you know you were born exactly a year after they met?"

Adrien's eyes widen, "Really? That means she got pregnant with me when she didn't even know my father for half a year."

Nathalie nods, "It was a messy situation, to be honest. Very messy."

Adrien relaxes in his seat, "I'd like to hear it."

Nathalie sighs, "Fine, but promise you won't say anything to anybody."

"Who would I tell?" He laughs.

Nathalie closes her eyes, "Your mother, Emilie, was roommates with Audrey, Chloé's mother. They met on a flight from New York to Paris. Audrey was from New York and was moving for her career; she was already a well-known designer at this point. Emilie, however, was travelling the world. You know she's from London, but then she went to Tokyo, Seoul, Los Angeles, New York, and then Paris. After Paris, she was supposed to go to Shanghai, but plans changed."

"I can tell," Adrien says, earning a slight laugh from Nathalie.

"Anyways," She continues, "She's in Paris, and you'll never guess who she meets in a bar."

"Who?" Adrien asks.

Nathalie grins, "Jagged Stone, the biggest rockstar of the new millennium. Your godfather."

"Jagged was famous back then?" Adrien asks.

Nathalie furrows her brows, "It was not that long ago! So, Emilie starts talking to him, and she obviously knows he is a rockstar. She was even a fan; she just put on an act so she'd catch his attention. Smart move, not going to lie. Jagged Stone thinks she's great, and he tells her he's making a movie. Next thing you know, Emilie is ringing Audrey, asking her if she can be her roommate. Audrey was over the moon; she agreed instantly. Jagged Stone had offered your mother a big movie roll."

Adrien smiles, "That's so cool; I never knew."

Nathalie nods, "I know. The movie is a success, and your mother is an overnight celebrity. She's living in Paris with her best friend Audrey, and she gets another movie roll. Best part? Audrey is one of the fashion designers for the movie. Audrey befriends the other fashion designer on the movie set, your father, Gabriel. Audrey introduces Gabriel to Emilie, and they hit it off and become friends. Now, here's the issue."

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