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Darry: Everyone be very nice to Soda

Steve: No

Ponyboy: Why

(Y/N): omfg did it happen

Sodapop: She fucking dumped me man

Dally: who

(Y/N): his girlfriend dipshit

Steve: ex girlfriend

Sodapop: fuck off

Johnny: I'm sorry man that's real tough

Ponyboy: yeah I'm sorry

(Y/N): Wait so you're like single now😃🤭

Darry: Phone. Down.

Two-Bit: Oh wait damn he is🥴

(Y/N): super single🤭🥴

Two-Bit: Babygirl, Soda...wanna go out some time

Dally: wtf is wrong with you both

(Y/N): can I have a kissy kiss? I won't leave you like the sediment did

Johnny: cold

Two-Bit: we'll stay forever

(Y/N): yeah we love you Soda-Woda

Dally: get a room

Two-Bit: if you insist🥴 let's take this back to my place

[Darry removed (Y/N) and Two-Bit from the chat]

Darry: I'm so sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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