Chapter 5

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Trigger warning: depictions of injury and mental health. Also bullying. You've been warned.
Duffy's POV

Before I even open my eyes, I know exactly where I am. Crisp sheets, sterile feel, and the all too familiar bubbling of Madam Pomfrey's cauldron lets me know that I'm in the Hospital wing. Of course, I know what happened to me too. I had a panic attack. Which is really fun for anyone who's ever had them, especially when there are people around to watch you have a mental breakdown and then blackout from the overwhelming anxiety and sense of impending doom.

I open an eye, squinting at the bright light, before slowly opening the other. And almost instantly, Max is at my side. Pitch black eyes meet ice blue, and the world falls quiet. And then, feeling like ten years and ten seconds simultaneously pass, he's holding my hand.

"Duffy, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine, M-Max. You d-don't have to w-worry about me." I smile softly, my heart filling with joy as this perfect guy shows concern for my wellbeing, something that nobody besides my two dumbass friends has done.

I somehow manage to crack a smile, too. "It's k-kind of funny... I would've t-thought that you'd be the f-first one t-to end up here. Seeing how you p-play Quidditch, which is far m-more dangerous than a t-typical panic attack."

"I-I'm just happy that you're feeling better now," he says, smiling crookedly and making my heart skip beats. I glance around, then I look into his eyes. And I somehow have already placed a hand behind his head. "It's n-not the m-most romantic place here at Hogwarts... b-but it'll do."

And then I kiss him. Not a kiss on the cheek, either.

The moment our lips meet, it's like fireworks explode in my head and heart. A world that I knew to be dull, gray and lifeless was now exploding with vivid colors, a brilliant light, and bursting with life. And it got even brighter as he deepened the kiss. It feels cliche to say it, but the way he makes me feel... there's nothing better than that.

I pull away with a huge grin, and I can feel his joy beaming from his stunning smile. "That was..."

"... amazing." He finishes, and for the first time in a very long time, I feel happy.

"So... um... I w-was thinking... d-do you want t-to go to H-Hogsmeade with m-me this w-weekend? I-It's fine if y-you don't want to..."

He gently kisses me, stopping my rambling. "I would love to. Call it a date. But, there is one thing I want in return."


"Hufflepuff is going against Gryffindor this Friday. I would love to see you there."

I grin crookedly and kiss him softly. "O-Of course I'll g-go!"

He smiles brightly, and for a moment, I can see love in his eyes. Not lust, or anger, but love. And it made me feel alive.


As soon as I step out of the hospital wing, River and Sheila practically tackle me in a bear hug.

"Dude, we thought you died!"

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, S-Sheila. Really appreciate the faith you've p-put in me."

"So... we heard from a group of sobbing girls that a certain someone stayed in the hospital. Nobody knew why, but from that blush on your face, you know something about it. So spill the beans, mister."

I cover my face, embarrassed by my friends antics, but I can't stop smiling at the memory of our first kiss. My first kiss. I glance at them, and I whisper, "Okay, so M-Max and I... we... m-maaaay have... k-kind of, sort of... um... kissed?"

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