Chapter 14

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TW: Mentions attempted suicide, trauma, bullying and self-harm. You have been warned.

Well. The last thing I expected was my father revealing his identity to my boyfriend. Much less for my friends to burst through the doors and find me and my boyfriend talking with my biological father. Yet here we are.

"Duffy? What the actual fuck is happening? Who the fuck is this?" Sheila points at my father.

"This is my biological father... he's been helping me determine what I am, exactly."

Max puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not sure if Duffy told any of you, but he's a hybrid. I myself am not entirely sure what he's a hybrid of, but he is not entirely a wizard."

I look at them, gawking at me as if I grew a second head.

"I'm still me. This changes nothing. You're all my friends, and I am so thankful that all of you are a part of my life."

"Duffy, we know this doesn't change anything. So stop giving a speech like you're going to die soon."

I roll my eyes at River's dry remark, but smile nonetheless.

"Duffy has the ability to shapeshift, but he's been unable to use this ability. We also know he can release immense bursts of energy when put under intense stress, like the Cruciatus Curse. I've been keeping a close eye on him, with the school's permission, to figure out what Duffy is, exactly. And maybe using some sessions for some father-son bonding time too."

I almost laugh at the dumbfounded expressions on our friends faces.

I rest my head against Max's shoulder gently. "I'm sorry I kept all this from you. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I can do all of these things, yet I was never able to do them."

Max kisses my forehead softly. "Well... we don't have to worry about that right now."

My father nods. "Your boyfriend's right, Duffy. Don't push yourself too hard."

I nod. "Okay, well, what should I do then?"

He smiles. "Get some rest. Relax. Spend some time with your friends. Besides, I need some time to prepare your next session."

I glance up at Max, who's smiling down at me. "Hi."

I smile back and open my mouth to respond, only to hear someone clearing their throat.

"Yes, Sheila?"

"I still have like a thousand questions."

I chuckle. "Well, I'll do my best to answer all of them."

"Okay, well first of all, what the actual fuck, Duffy?" She punches my arm playfully, but still pretty hard for it to bruise lightly.

"I'm sorry I've been distant, Sheila. But I didn't want you to get too close only to find out I'm some sort of monster who needs to be put down..."

"Duffy, how long have we known each other? Do you really think I would ever think that about you? You're my best friend."

River folded their arms across their chest. "Yeah, Duffy... you could've told us."

I sighed. "I didn't tell you because I didn't even know what I was. I still don't. If I knew what I was, I would have told you everything. I swear, I would never intentionally leave either of you out of my business without fully understanding it myself.

"You're right, I still should have told you... but I was terrified. You're my only friends, and I thought if you knew that I'm... different... I had a panic attack when I got my letter to go to Hogwarts. Because I could do all these things no one else could. I could shapeshift into anything I want. I could talk to animals and other magical creatures. I had no idea what I was, but my adoptive family made it clear that I was a freak..."

I feel Max's arms tighten around my waist. "Duffy..."

"I spent so long hating myself because of it. Why couldn't I be normal? And being gay was just the icing on the cake. They would have sent me to one of those horrible conversion camps, had there been one easily available."

Voicing my trauma has captured everyone's attention. Sheila and Eliza are hugging each other, River has their arm around Theo's shoulders, and Max is hugging me from behind tightly.

"I even tried to... end my life. I was so miserable, even though I acted all happy and carefree. When Noah came into my life, I was so happy someone liked me... but when I saw him for the monster he truly is, it was too late."


"I'm doing so much better now... but I just wanted all of you to know how I felt."

I jump a little when Sheila rushes over and wraps her arms around me tightly, followed by River, Theo, and Eliza.

Nobody says a word, not for a while. I've laid my heart bare and got four best friends and possibly the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. In my world of darkness... sunlight came through the clouds and brought color and beauty back into my life.

"Duffy..." Max kisses my head softly. "I'm so sorry you endured that hell... but I will tell you that you'll never feel that way ever again. I promise."

"Yeah, and anyone who tries hurting you can answer to all of us." Sheila nudges my shoulder. "Because we're a team."

I smile brightly. "Thanks... I'm so happy I've got friends like you..."

"Awww, Duffy..." River chuckles. "You were the accepting one when I came out as nonbinary. You supported Sheila through her transition. If anything, we're lucky to have you."

I blush. "I was just doing what a decent person should do."

They smile wryly. "Not many people would do that... you have a heart of gold, Duffy."

I feel my face heating up. "T-Thanks, River..."

Of course, it's this time that Madam Pomfrey usherseveryone but Max out of the hospital wing.

"Hey, Max?"

"Yes, my love?" He looks down at me.

"Isn't the Yule Ball coming up?"

He grins crookedly. "I believe it is."

"W-Well... would you... um... would you like to... you know... doyouwanttogowithme?" I stammer, blushing deeply.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you. What was that?" Max smiles brightly.

"W-Would you like to go with me to the Yule Ball?"

"It would be my honor, Duffy."

"I-I know it's not for a few weeks, but I-"



"I'd be thrilled to go with you."

I look up at him to see nothing but love and adoration in his beautiful eyes. And my heart melts.


"Yes, really."

I grin and kiss him passionately. "Thank you!"

He chuckles. "Now get some rest, my love."

I nod and snuggle into his chest, sure to dream of dancing and my happily ever after.

AN: I'm thinking about doing a Q&A with my characters for this book. If anyone wants to ask them (or me) anything, just comment and I'll try to put something together! Also sorry for being AWOL, work got busy and I lost inspiration, but I'm finding it again!

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