Training and Academy Days

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Here is a new chapter. Okay I will be explaining Rayuu's abilities, some of you might be waiting for it.
I don't know how long will this chapter go, so bare with me. On general this chapter will have Naruto's training on his first two years then academy and more training.
If you have any queries drop a comment i will be sure to answer it.
So let's start.

Last time on Madara's successor
Naruto had met with Madara, he explained his plan and Naruto accepted to be part of it. Naruto got his new apartment, along with training materials from Rayuu as a messenger from Madara.

Now let's continue....

First rays of light hit in Naruto's appartment and on his face. He had a peaceful sleep maybe for the first time in his short life. Maybe because he will get to be stronger or maybe he got new apartment, whichever it may be but he was having a peaceful sleep.

The rays of light hit on his not so pale skin, more akin to a tanner skin, accompanied by his three whisker marks on his each cheeks.
Naruto stirred due to this and opened his bright blue cerulean eyes. He opened and found that the sealing above him was unfamiliar but his mind quickly caught on to that now he has his own appartment. The thought alone made him a bit giddy.

He got up from his bed and made a beeline towards bathroom for the morning rituals and to take bath. After finishing this he thought he would make do with some breakfast. He opened his kitchen's cabinets and found some ramen cups. He took them out and put it in the microwave. He read the instructions on ramen cup, on how to cook the ramen. It was pretty simple, following the instructions he made himself ramen. While the ramen was getting ready he thought on what to do today and how to proceed forward.

'I think first, I should learn how to use chakra from the first scroll or other stuffs written on it. Then we will see on what to do further as Rayuu said I don't have books unlocked so I will first have to learn how to unlock the scrolls, from what I think it will also have instructions on how to train further.' thought Naruto.

A beep sound alerted him that his ramen is ready. Taking it out, and sitting on the table he started eating it. After finishing his breakfast he got back to his bedroom.
In bedroom he quickly found the scroll to unlock chakra, he quickly tore through it and started reading.

Naruto this scroll has book on theory and introduction to chakra and then how to unlock your chakra.
In order to open second scroll, first you will need to unlock and learn to channel some chakra. After you do that, you will see on the scroll their is a circular design. You will have to put some blood on it and then channel some chakra and the second scroll will be unlocked.
The scroll contains many theoretical books like geography of the nations, tactics, politics, law, cooking, history, shuriken jutsu or popularly known as bukijutsu (art of throwing weapons) , physical exercises and others basic stuff. Read them thoroughly, you may find them boaring at the start but these books are the best and will makeup your base, solid strong for being a ninja. I included some shurikens, kunais and senbons for your practice but don't show them off in front of others, use them when you are alone. Learn all of this and next we meet we will start on advanced training.
-- M

Naruto laughed at the word M. But he understood what to do, he was too excited for bukijutsu specially. He started reading the book which poped out as soon as he read the full letter, the on the cover of it was 'Chakra Theory and Unlock It'.

Naruto immediately got to work,

Book, Chapter 1.
Introduction to Chakra.

Hello My Name is Miss Chakra and I will be explaining you everything. Let's be friends okay.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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