part three

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  Kyra pulled herself out of her bed. It was still a little bit early. She moved over to her closet and pulled out an outfit. As she pulled on her clothes, she looked at the hook on the floor. She would fix it later, after breakfast. She trudged down the long hall to the kitchen and grabbed a cereal box off the fridge. She set the cereal box on the table and grabbed a jug of milk out of the fridge and set that on the table too. Out of the cabinet by the fridge, she pulled out a bowl and a spoon. As Kyra poured her cereal into her bowl, she thought about where she had left her toolbox last. She poured the milk into the bowl and began to eat.

She finished eating and looked for her toolbox in her shed outside. She found her toolbox on the top shelf in the shed. She grabbed the ladder in the shed and set it up. She climbed up five rungs and was barely able to reach the toolbox. She pulled it down, and terror ran through her veins as she fell back off of the ladder. Everything flashed in front of her eyes and then, black.

* * *

When Kyra woke up, all she could see was Ace hovering over her. She had obviously left the shed door open. What she didn't know was how he had found her and why he was here. The toolbox was laying beside her. Ace had moved the toolbox off of her. Her ribs ached with every breath so she assumed the toolbox had landed on her ribs.

"Oh. You're awake now." said Ace with a relieved sigh. He stood up and reached a hand out to Kyra to help her up. He pulled her up. "You fell off that ladder and hit your head pretty hard."

Kyra tapped the watch implanted in her wrist. It flashed on. 08:00. She would be late for work. Again. She groaned at the thought of another 100 eyils of her pay. That would make 300 eyils off in all. She couldn't lose any more money.

"How- How did you know I had fallen down? And how did you find me?" Kyra asked. "Were you following me last night?"

"No, wasn't following you last night. And I found you because I just happened to be walking by your house when I saw your shed door open and I wanted to close it. I didn't know you lived here either. When I came to close the door, I saw you laying on the ground, unconscious, so I decided to help." replied Ace.

Kyra still didn't know if she could trust him, even though he flashed a grin at her that made her want to trust him. "Oh, well thank you."

Ace picked up the toolbox lying near Kyra and handed it to her. "Here."

"Oh, thank you." said Kyra, taking the toolbox from him. She stumbled with its weight. She had most likely fallen off the ladder from the weight of the stupid toolbox. She started moving toward the still open door, but Ace hesitated. She turned toward Ace's back. Ace turned toward her.

"Hey, um. I would recommend staying home from work today and tomorrow. 'Cause of your head." said Ace, turning toward her.

"How do you know I work?" asked Kyra, surprised.

"I was the customer trying to buy the robot hand yesterday" said Ace.

"Oh, I thought I recognized you." said Kyra.

"Well, do you need help with anything else?" asked Ace, as if she had asked for him to help her before.

"Um, no. No thank you. I'm good." replied Kyra. She turned back around and walked out of the shed, Ace right behind her.

"Bye. See you." said Ace, closing the door then beginning to walk away.

"Bye." said Kyra, returning to her house. She walked inside and closed the door behind her. She sighed and walked to her room. She would be missing today and tomorrows' pay, along with 200 more eyils. She knelt down by the fallen hook and pulled two nails and a hammer out of the toolbox. She picked up the hook and stood up, pulled out the old nails with the hammer, and then placed it against the wall where it used to be. She held it with one hand, and with the other, she placed one of the nails against the wooden hook. She placed the other nail in her hand on the floor next to her and pounded the nail on the hook into the wall. She reached down by her foot and grabbed the other nail, and did the same as she did with the first nail. When the hook wall held securely against the wall, she put the hammer back in the toolbox and took it back out to the shed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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