Down in the Sewers

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*Warning: descriptive sexual harassment toward the end, you've been warned.

Chapter II: Down in the Sewers

Down in the sewers, one out of four mutant turtles turned on the TV as he had gotten home from his last party gig and watched the news, in awe over the vigilante.


"Don, whaddya think about the Nightwatcher? He's doing what we used to do. I remember those days. Ya know, the fun, adrenaline-boosting good old days..." The orange-clad turtle groaned in pain as his older brother who wore a purple mask placed an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel on his left temple and handed him an Ibuprofen with a glass of water.

"No comment. He'll be long gone once Leo comes back. Anyway, leave it for about an hour or so, then use a heat compress, okay? And BE PATIENT." Don warned, he knew his baby brother too well- how restless Mikey would get after a mere 20 minutes of keeping the same position, but staying in place didn't sound the worst to Mikey due to his massive headache.

"Hey, at least you wore the cup this time," Donatello stated earning an eye roll from Mikey. Donnie his hand out to his brother and Michelangelo caught on; reached into his pouch that contained the day's earnings, and gave it to Don who counted it quickly in his head. He then went back to his little workstation on the opposite side of the living room, muttering something about how he loved money.


It was no secret that Donatello Hamato loved money. The feel, the smell the touch! It was a rush. The money he made was much more near and dear to him than the money Mikey made.

However, once upon a time in the Lair, (both Raphael and Splinter can confirm this,) Michelangelo had a bit of a...spending problem. One day, a blender popped out of nowhere, and then a new microwave, and then a new couch...and just, well, the list goes on, dear readers. Donnie was so wrapped up in his own stressful little world that he didn't notice what Mikey had gotten until he saw 3 new, full-size arcade games in the living room. Yes, THREE. The vintage- are more expensive than Mikey's entire existence, the ones you see in retro arcades, are rare and can be found on eBay at a HIGH price- yeah, those. Donnie had no idea getting beat up by kids for 8 hours on end would make his brother 6 figures*! However, he had to put a stop to it- and asked Mikey to give him his day's earnings so he'd stop wasting it on pointless items. It worked, but Mikey usually takes five bucks for himself before giving it to his older brother- and hey, $5 a day adds up!


After 10 minutes went by, Mikey groaned.

"Don, I'm dying-" Mikey was cut off, "You're not dying, you're just in pain." "But I-" Donny stopped Mikey from whining any further with a simple "You'll be fine." The orange-clad turtle audibly sighed as he winced at the pounding on his left temporal. He looked over the couch and saw Donnie tinkering with his new invention- remembering the times when he had to stop midway because Leo broke the toaster and asked him to fix it.

Something so small that Donatello actually dreaded doing, he actually...missed. Maybe it was Leo's year-long and counting absence in Central America, or he was just bored, but he missed it. He missed when he was hunched over a new creation in the living room- perfecting each detail, and programming each feature through his laptop or taking a sip of his 9th cup of coffee to stay awake another, and was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder by a half-awake Raphael to tell him the devastating news of the broken toaster because of Leo. Or only to hear the deafening sound of the smoke alarm that went off in the kitchen (which woke him up much better than coffee)- and Leo's guilt-ridden face said it all. His chocolate brown eyes looked sheepishly at the back of his younger brother's shell as he turned around in panic- only to be relieved that it was just Leo being Leo and not an actual fire, just a bit of smoke. Contrary to popular belief- and by popular I mean April and Casey, it was widely known that Leonardo - Mr. Perfect, Splinter Junior (which was voted by Mikey the best name for him, thanks to a clever, angry Raph), O' Fearless One, or just Fearless- could not cook to save his life. Oftentimes, it seemed if he even touched something in the kitchen, it would burn or break- which made fixing the toaster routine - only because Mr. Fearless Leader wanted some toast to go with his Chamomile Tea.

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