Chapter One: Time

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I was called into my fathers study

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I was called into my fathers study.

As I walked in I saw my father sitting at his desk with my brother standing to his left.

"Father, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Liza sit down." Liza was my childhood nickname. He hasn't called me that in years. The only person that had called me that recently is Rome.

What's going on.

As I sit down I started to think about my family, and the purpose I had.

Women in the mafia are often considered objects rather than people. My family never made me feel that way. Of course I knew I was born with a purpose. Everyone on this earth is born to fulfill some sort of purpose rather they want to or not.

Mine... to marry the boss of all bosses.

Xander DeLuca

My family had been at war with the DeLuca's since before I was born. My family went against the DeLuca's, and had to pay the price.

The DeLuca's have been running New York since before my grandfather was born, and both of our families moved their businesses here from Italy. For over 4 generations they have ruled with an iron fist, and anyone who went against them payed the ultimate price.

My family got out of paying that price when my mother found out she was pregnant with a girl.


I sat down as my father told me.

"What is this about?"

My brother, Rome, spoke up, " It's time."

Those two words made me break down. I knew exactly what he meant by "it's time". And I was terrified.


"ELIZA! Stop this! You knew this was going to happen one way or another."

"I-I t-thought I would have more time. I just turned 18. I have never even met him, or any of his family."

"Doesn't matter! You're 18, you're an adult now, sorellina (Little sister)."

"Rome, I thought you would be on my side!"

"Eliza we both knew this was going to happen one way or another. You know I love you, but there is nothing I can do."

I got up and stormed out of my fathers study. I was beyond furious. HOW COULD HE. He's my brother. He didn't even stick up for me. I thought older brothers were supposed to protect their baby sisters. I guess I totally got that wrong.

As I was storming out I heard my father yell out to me.

"We are going to the DeLuca estate for dinner. You better be ready to go by 6:30."


A/n: I hope you like it so far! Let me know what you think!

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