A Bouquet of Calla Lilies

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Clary Fray was ecstatic for her special day with Jace. Finally, after a long wait, the priest finally announced them husband and wife. Even though they decided to have a mundane wedding with no mundanes, Clary wore a golden gown. 

With the bouquet in hand, she wrapped her arms around Jace, kissing him deeply. While some of the guests were disturbed at their action, others had come to expect it over the years the two have been together; their wedding was private and only a small amount attended and it was their parents making faces. Their grip tightened around each other and Magnus yelled at them, "Wait till your honeymoon!"

After they pulled away, the now wedded couple had grins plastered on their face larger than the moon and their faces were redder than Clifford. They looked over their guests and they started to rise. 

The photographers ran towards the front and the main man said, "Come on, everybody bunch up. Group photo!" People grabbed onto each other's shoulders and smiled, waiting for the picture to be taken. After a large flash, the group departed.

"Now for the tossing of the flowers. All the unwed ladies, gather behind Clary," Jace called out. Magnus grinned like the Cheshire cat; he had planned something special for his love. Clary stood at the front of the chapel and tossed the Calla Lilies over her shoulder. Magnus directed his gaze to it and summoned a breeze to make it head towards Alec.

Magnus had planned to propose immediantly after, he even had a ring in his pocket to give Alec. However, his plans were spoiled; Alec was facing towards Isabelle, talking. Magnus' eyes widened in shock as instead of catching the flowers gracefully, they crashed into his head. Magnus went to Alec as quickly as possible while people around them were laughing, including the newly joined couple.

"Alexander, are you alright? I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that." Magnus coddled him.

"What do you mean 'I didn't mean to do that'?" Alec looked up at his boyfriend.

Magnus shakily got to one knee and pulled out his box. "I directed the flowers to go to you, but you weren't paying attention. I was going to ask you 'Alec Lightwood, would you do me the honor of marrying me' if that went correctly, but because it didn't, I'll still ask." Magnus opened the ring box.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I kneel before you to ask if you would become my beloved husband." Alec covered his mouth in shock before nodding. Magnus grinned and slid the ring on his finger. 

Like the couple that was supposed to have all the attention that day, they celebrated their union by sealing the deal with a kiss. However, while Jace and Clary were already bound fully together, Alec and Magnus were just beginning the process.

Author's note: Sorry, I think I'm stupid and that that probably wasn't good, 'specially the Clifford the dog bit. Oh well. I did it.

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