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Techno's eyes drifted again. Now he's staring right at him, again. He seems to actually be doing work, per usual he works when he doesn't have friends in class. Its the complete opposite when he does, or thats what Technos been told. This person always wears a face mask, probably because of coivd, or he doesn't like how he looks. Techno believes he'll look great under the mask, and there he goes being creepy again.

time skip

Lunch, he had it with all his friends he could say the opposite for someone...
Eh, ignore that
Tommy was blabbing on about something Techno just stared at him, Wilbur was interrupting Tommy every so often Tubbo and Ranboo involved in their own conversation. Techno was able to get Tommy and Tubbo to become friends with the brother of the person he was obsessing over, ok sure that sounded horrible now thats he thinks about it. But, now he can finally know the name of the person he's- been. Uh. Not obsessing. Just wanting to get to know.

snapped out oh his thoughts by Tommys loud yell, looking up from were his gaze had drifted.
"sorry, what'd you say?"

"Today's your lucky day, Ranboo just asked if we wanted to come over after school."

Ranboo just asked if we want to come over, he's Dream's brother... that would mean we would be at his house. Their* house.

"Are Wilbur, and Tubbo going?"
a quick but important question to me.

"Yeah they are, he said that 3 extra people is alright but nothing more."

"Alright then. Of course i'll go even though I may not even talk to anyone."

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