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"What should I wear? Should I dress comfortable or sexy?"


"Hey Hoseok"

"Hey Namjoon, you're ready for tonight?"

"Yes am excited, Jimin said he's gonna bring a friend"

"Already wanting to date huh"he chuckles

"What makes you think that?"

"Namjoon I know you" he laughs

"Yea yea you're right, anyway imma go change and see you later"

"Bye" he hangs up

"Ahhh today is gonna be a night to forget"

*jungkook pov*

"Well well we'll if isn't Kim Taehyung, what brings you here my friend"

"Enough with the bullshit Jeon Jungkook"

"What bullshit kim" he smirks

They both laugh

"Jungkook I'm done with you overworking yourself"

"I'm not am just doing my job"

"Yea sure.. let's go have fun we never have time together'

"Ya you're acting like we're a couple"

"Never that"

They both laugh

"Anyway what do you say jungkook take some time out of work and let's go get some girls you like" he smirks

"Fine but only because I want to have fun"

End of chapter
Sorry for updating so late and sorry if this wasn't what you guys were waiting for but please continue reading, the story is gonna get better

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