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we enter with the lingering smell of sweat and people kissing each other

"Hoseok you look like you're about to throw up" namjoon giggles

"Ya this place looks like a sauna"

They both laugh

"Well let's go sit over there while Jimin comes with his friend"

They both go to the bar to get a drink

"What would you li-"

"Kim seokjin?"

"Long time no see kim namjoon"

Namjoon blushes

"Now what would you two fellas like to drink"

"I'll have a shot of alcohol please"

"Ya hoseok you know you can't drink hard"

"It's just one namjoon"

"Now what would you like cutie?"

"I'll have a cup of water please...someone needs to stay settled" he looks over to hoseok

"Yea yea mr.boring"

Seokjin gets their drinks and talks with namjoon

Hoseok just looks around and sees people dancing over each other, touching each other

The only expression that's left on his face is disgust

He looks at the door and sees the opening of the door

A man with another handsome looking man walk through the door

The man is filled with tattoos and his hair is brushed over

He scans his face

The mole on his lip with the piercing on his mouth

His doe brown eyes with his beautiful nose

And he doesn't miss his scar on his cheek

He stares and that's when the handsome lad captures him and couldn't stop staring at him too

End of chapter

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