chapter 1

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"I wonder where Cleo is?" the smeet, walked around looking, he stopped overhearing the tallests

"we should send the defect to earth" red said in an annoyed tone

"yea, but the commander will be upset.." purple added

"so, send the commander with the defect" red continued

"would that also keep zim at bay" purple asked

"yep" red confirmed

the smeet covered his mouth and ran to his room to look for Cleo and warn them...

"there you are al, I thought you wondered off" Cleo said

"I did- and I heard the tallests talking.." I said upset

"about what?" Cleo asked concerned

"they are gonna send us-" the smeet was cut off

"Cleo and al come here" red called out to them.

they walked over, "yes my tallest?" Cleo asked

"you have a mission, and your smeet will come with you"

"oh, I will not let you down my tallest" Cleo added

red handed Cleo a S.I.R unit and he spoke.

"pack up, you depart tomorrow"

"yes my tallest" Cleo said, Cleo and Al went to pack there things

Cleo POV

I go to my room to gather basic supplies with my sir unit,

I decided to name it dawn.

Dawn gathered food and drinks for the trip, I did not know what

planet we where going to, so I needed to plan ahead,

though I think my pak disagreed with me because when I went to lay on my bed, I dozed off and fell asleep...


I quickly gathered my things and sat in my bed when I heard the door open, it was red.

"I thought a smeet like yourself would like a story before you sleep" red said

I was a bit suspicious but I let it slide "that would be nice, thank you" I added

"have you heard of the Boogy man?" red asked

"no who is that?" I asked

"well, the Boogy man is a creature who lives under your bed, he feasts on smeets, waiting for you to fall asleep and for the lights to go out, and when they do, and you fall asleep...

he devours you whole! you are never seen again.. and he waits for a new smeet to feast on.." as he finished he turned off the lights I hear him whisper, "good luck" and shut the door... I teared up and hid under my blanket till the next day.. I cried all night, and got no sleep...

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