Chapter 3

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I walked out of the house to go to skool, I don't know why I have to go, but I will do it if it keeps up appearance. I walk in the skool to see to people arguing, a human and a... I gasped and hid behind a locker I took out a communication device to call Cleo, they said to only use it in case of emergency, but this is important... Cleo picks up.
"whats wrong al?? did someone figure you out already??" Cleo asked
"no worse" I respond, peeking out from time to time
"then what?" Cleo asked confused
"Zim.." I whisper
"HE IS HERE??" Cleos response did not surprise me.

"what are ya doing meat bag?" some one asked
I hid my communication device and hung up, I sliped it into my pak... it was zim
"are you gonna answer me?" zim asked again
"its none of your concern!" I replied
"calm down zim" the human said
"NO DIB-STINK I WONT!" he anwer
"dib-stink? that's a weird name?" I add
"Its not dib-stink, its just dib, get it right!" the human called dib told zim
they started arguing again, I took the chance to slowly walk away...

"awkward" I added before leaving.

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