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Prompt: Imagine your OTP asking each other to prom in cute ways. Bonus: Person A gets a detention from standing on a cafeteria table at lunch with the word "Prom?" written on their stomach for person B.

It was that time of year. Bellamy was about to graduate, and Octavia was practically forcing him to attend the stupid dance. He'd vowed to never attend any school functions, and he'd succeeded for nearly four years. They were a waste of time, really. Not to mention a waste of money that he didn't have. But this year, he was going to prom.
Octavia slid into the desk next to him, giving him a smug smile.
"Have you asked her yet?" she questioned, taking out her notebook and pen. She flipped through the pages as he sighed.
"No, O. I haven't. Keep it down," he added with a wary glance around the room. He didn't want it getting out that he would be ruining his record by attending the biggest school function of the year.
"Bellamy, someone else is going to ask her. She's pretty, and she's smart. She's not going to be available for long. Get a move on."
Bellamy bit back a retort as their professor entered the room and began to lecture them. While Octavia drew butterflies in her notebook, he wrote down key points absently, thinking of what he was going to do.

Bellamy entered the lunchroom where they were all required to eat, picking up an apple before spotting his group of friends and heading over to them. He took a seat between Murphy and Atom, biting into his apple as received his usual greetings. How was he going to ask her?
Arms circled around his neck, and he tensed until he realized that it was his sister. He continued to chew his apple contemplatively as she smiled next to his ear.
"Time's running out, big brother," she taunted before kissing his cheek and leaving to sit with Jasper and Monty. He watched as Clarke joined them, and his heart fluttered. That was who he really wanted to ask to prom. Not Monroe. His gaze traveled across the table to her, and she gave him a shy smile, which he returned hesitantly before abruptly getting up and heading out into the hallway, tossing the unfinished apple into the garbage can on his way out.
Only a few minutes later, he returned. He took a deep breath and stepped onto his chair before jumping up onto the table. His friends leaned back into their chairs to watch with looks that questioned his sanity. Octavia's eyes were on him immediately, and she smiled as Jasper, Maya, Monty, Miller, Clarke, and Lincoln all looked his way with equally questioning gazes. Bellamy cleared his throat, seeing administrators already swarming toward him.
"Excuse me, can I please interrupt your lunch hour for ten seconds?" he said in his naturally loud voice that commanded attention. Soon, the entire room was quiet save for a few ongoing conversations.
"Thank you. I promise to be done soon." He stuck his hands in his pockets, then pulled them out, changing his mind and pulling his shirt off to reveal nicely defined muscles and the word 'PROM?' written in black letters. He got a few whistles, and an assistant principal grabbed at his ankle, which he shook off.
"Clarke Griffin, will you go to prom with me?" he asked, glancing down at his sneakers before looking up to the blonde in question with a winning smile. A chorus of 'aww's followed, and Clarke ducked her head, blushing furiously before looking back to Bellamy and nodding vigorously. Octavia clapped excitedly, and the rest of the room followed suit. With a last grin at Clarke, Bellamy hopped down, putting his shirt back on as the principal told him, "Bellamy Blake, you're going to have detention for a week!"

Bellarke Oneshots and PromptsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang