Phone Calls

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Imagine person B waiting for a phone call from a doctor (results of a pregnancy test, cancer results, etc). The phone rings and they pick up without looking at the ID. It's person A, who tells B that they don't want to be together anymore.

Bellamy had been waiting all week for the phone call. It was supposed to come today, but there were only sixteen minutes left in the work day and he hadn't gotten any calls.

Suddenly the phone rang, causing Bellamy to jump off of his chair and run to the kitchen. He picked up the phone without hesitation.

"Hello?" he answered breathlessly.

"Hey, Bellamy," came Clarke's voice through the phone. Bellamy leaned against the counter, mildly disappointed.

"Oh, hey Clarke," he replied, a small smile slipping into his face. He was eager to get the call so he knew that he was cancer free, and could resume his life and relationship with Clarke. He wanted to ask her to marry him, but had been holding off due to the circumstances.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, sensing the disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I was just expecting a call. I thought you were it."

"Oh. Sorry to disappoint." Clarke's voice was dry, emotionless, and it concerned Bellamy.

"Are you okay?" he questioned. Had he missed something? He was always careful with anniversaries and birthdays; he couldn't have missed anything too--

"Yeah. I just--we need to talk Bel. You've been distracted lately, and I've been busy. I've been thinking a lot about what I want and need from life. I want to be a successful doctor. I want a dog, probably a Labrador, and a nice apartment or a small house. Someday I want a husband and maybe even a few kids. That's my vision for the future," she told him. Bellamy's heart leapt. Was she going to propose to him? Over the phone?

"And Bellamy, when I look at that're not in it," she sighed. He blinked a few times, trying to process what she had just said.

"Okay..." he said, just to fill some space. What was happening? He heard Clarke sigh again.

"Bellamy. We need to stop seeing each other. I'm going to come back to the apartment in a little bit and get my stuff, then I'm going to stay with Raven for a while until I can get my own place. I'd appreciate it if you weren't there while I got my stuff." There was a short pause as Bellamy put his head in his hand. Clarke was breaking up with him? "Bellamy? Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah. I'm listening," he almost choked out. "I...I'll be gone."

"Thanks, Bel. I'm sorry," she ended, and a click signified the end of the call. Bellamy put the phone down, hands shaking. There were only a few seconds of him thinking before the phone rang again.

"Hello?" he answered lifelessly, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello Mr. Blake, this is Sharon at Saint George's Hospital," a kind voice introduced herself.

"Hi Sharon. What's the verdict?" he asked, preparing himself for the worst.

"Well, Mr. Blake--"

"Bellamy," he interjected.

"Well, Bellamy, I'm afraid it's not all good. You have stage two pancreatic cancer. But it isn't terminal yet; we still have some options. The first, and probably the best, is going to be surgery. I talked to one of our specialists, and he thinks he can get part of it, but then there still will be some chemotherapy and possibly radiation if you so choose..." Bellamy stopped listening as his world imploded. First he'd lost Clarke, now he had cancer? He continued to listen with a blank expression, not wanting to hear the rest but thinking it rude to simply hang up mid conversation.

"...of course there are also support groups and counseling for you and your loved ones. Many patients find it very beneficial, especially when they have a spouse or children." That sentence made Bellamy's heart actually hurt, and he clenched his teeth. He didn't have a spouse. Hell, he didn't even have a girlfriend anymore, apparently.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," he said hurriedly. "Thank you for calling. I'll be in touch." He hung up with a click, putting his head in his hands.

He sat like that until Clarke arrived, frowning when she walked into the kitchen.

"Bellamy, you said you'd be gone. I specifically asked for you to not be here. Why are you here?" she asked, arms crossed. Bellamy slowly looked up at her, and sighed.

"I had a phone call. I'm sorry. I'll leave now." He stood up and began to walk out of the kitchen, practically doubling over at a sudden pain in his abdomen. He paused for a moment, and Clarke touched his arm gently.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" she asked, and Bellamy barked out a laugh. Was he sick? She had no idea.

"I'm fine. Goodbye, Clarke." He left without another word, not even sparing a glance at the woman he was completely in love with.

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