Chapter 8: Sunday Evening

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"Do you say now, or never, or never too late?"

On the drive there, Max went over the day's events in her mind, trying to make sense of it. The vision, her rewind power—they were related, but how? And why? She debated with herself about whether she should tell Chloe; it sounded so unreal. Even she couldn't believe it had happened—but it did.

"Chloe, I need to tell you something," Max said. Chloe glanced towards her to let her know she was listening. "It's going to sound crazy, but I need you to hear me out."


Taking a deep breath, she told her story, starting from when she'd snapped the photo of the butterfly, to her vision, to her ability to rewind time. Chloe had listened attentively at the beginning, but the moment Max spoke about her rewind power, Chloe became skeptical.

"Ok, so you want me to believe that I died twice, and the reason why I'm not dead now is because you rewound time and saved me," Chloe said deadpan.

"It's true—!"

"Right, and I'm pretty sure you're still trippin' over your blackout earlier today," Chloe snorted.

Max leaned back in her seat, hands rubbing at her temples. She had to find a way to prove to Chloe that she could rewind time. She might not believe in the vision of the tornado, but Max was sure she could get Chloe to believe in her new power.

"Ok, look, pull over and I'll prove that I can rewind time to you," Max said.

Chloe cast her a sideways glance, an eyebrow raised, but did as she asked.

Max swallowed, hoping she wasn't going to mess this up.

"I'm going to tell you the color of the next couple of cars that come by," she said, mentally preparing herself for when she'd have to rewind. She wasn't sure if rewinding caused the headaches or just rewinding a lot caused the headaches, but either way, Max wanted to be sure she wasn't going to pass out again.

The first car that drove by was red.

The next was a dark green.

After that, the next car was black.

Another car came around, this time colored a metallic gray.

Chloe sat there, glancing around. ", was something supposed to happen?"

Max took a deep breath, and raised her hand—the cars she'd just seen suddenly zoomed backwards, and when the first car disappeared back around the corner, Max stopped rewinding. She was relieved when her head didn't feel like exploding—she concluded that rewinding multiple times in quick succession stressed her power to the limit. Max made a mental note of her power's limitation. Now, it's time to blow Chloe's mind.

"There's going to be a red car, a dark green one, a black one, and then a gray car that are going to come," Max said breathlessly, hoping this wouldn't backfire.

Chloe just rolled her eyes, skeptical. "Sure, Max." But she too watched the road attentively, and Max held her breath.

The first car came around the corner again. Red.

A dark green car zoomed past.

Max saw Chloe's eyes widen, just a little.



"Holy shit," Chloe whispered.

Chloe leaned back in her seat, mouth open, and she turned to Max with an expression of such shock and surprise that Max burst out laughing.

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