Epilogue: Monday Afternoon

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"We won't let go of hope, of our dreams."

Max woke up the next morning from the sound of her phone alarm, and she groggily sat up, rubbing at her eyes. She looked down to see Chloe sleeping next to her, her chest rising and falling. Reaching over Chloe, Max shut off her phone alarm before gently shaking Chloe awake.

Chloe grumbled for a few moments, taking Max's other pillow and throwing it over her upper body, hiding her face from view. Rolling her eyes, Max got up around Chloe and began to prepare for the day. Walking across the room, she threw open the blinds, letting in a torrent of sunlight; she heard Chloe groan from across the room, burrowing further under her blankets. Smiling, Max shook her head, and then a part of her wondered if this was representative of what living with Chloe would be like in the future. Blushing slightly, Max shook her head at herself. Thinking way too far into the future, Max.

After that, she went and took a shower, and by the time she came back, Max found Chloe sitting up in her bed, yawning, her extra pillow in her arms.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Max said, grinning, bending down to give Chloe a quick peck on the cheek, placing Chloe's blazer next to her on the bed.

Chloe gave her a sleepy smile in response. "I'll come by when your classes end," she said, leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes. "Have fun at school," Chloe sighed.

"Sure," Max said, gathering up her things and putting them into her bag. Chloe looked so at peace at that moment, that Max hated the thought of leaving her. Biting her lip, Max hesitated for a moment before pulling out her camera and snapping a photo of Chloe looking so serene and tranquil in the morning light. Chloe opened her eyes then, frowning a little at Max as she put the photo in her bag, but didn't say anything.

As Max made to move to the door, Chloe reached her hand out and gently held Max's hand in hers for a brief moment.

"See you soon," Chloe murmured.

"...famously called film, 'little pieces of time' but he could be talking about..."

Though Max usually paid attention during Jefferson's lectures, she found that that was not the case today. She glanced at the clock again, praying and wishing that it would go faster. Though Max was grateful for her rewind power, a part of her wished she had a fast-forward power as well.

Glancing down at her journal on the desk, Max sighed quietly, picking up her pencil and pretending to take notes. In reality she was doodling again, small sketches of her everyday life. Except this time, aside from the usual depictions of Blackwell, her drawings included Chloe every now and then as well.

Leaning back into her chair, Max waited for the bell to ring. After what seemed like an eternity, the sharp ringing interrupted Jefferson's lecture and Max was out of the room before anyone else.

Jogging out to the parking lot, her heart did a somersault in her chest as she saw Chloe leaning against her truck, cigarette held between two fingers. The moment Chloe saw her, she grinned, snuffing the end of her cigarette against the car door behind her. She'd changed her clothes—this time, Chloe wore a white t-shirt underneath a ripped denim vest, accompanied by her standard ripped jeans, boots, and ever-present beanie.

"Hey," Chloe said as Max approached, arms automatically wrapping around Max for a hug.

"Hey, yourself," Max replied, leaning back slightly to give Chloe a quick kiss. "So, where are we going today?"

"It's a surprise," Chloe laughed, pulling away to get into the cab of her truck. "Don't worry, you'll like it," she added when she saw Max's questioning look.

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