Chapter 4

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Luz's POV

I woke up and realized King slept with me I carefully got out of bed and kept him sleeping there I got ready and walked outside and up to a window I looked across to the agent base "Morningg Luz" Eda said behind me I turned around "Morning" I said "What are you doing" she asked "I'm just looking at the agent base and thinking about some of them they're jerks apart from the one you meet" I said she laughed a bit "I don't think all agents are jerks just most of them" she said "Yeah" I said "Well it's the weekend and the leader told me that it's time for the 100th year anniversary of the bounty hunters there is going to be a big party" she said "Whoa 100 years already" I questioned "Yeah that's what the leader say anyway" she said "Ok well I am definitely going to be at the party" I said "Yeah am sure you will" she said "Well I have to go and decide what to wear tonight" I said "Ok" she said then I walked back to my room and King was awake "Morning you sleepy head" I said "Ahhh morning Luz" he said sitting up "We're having a party tonight maybe we should find you something to wear" I said "Yeah" he said I picked him up and we went to his room and tried somethings on until we found a a leather jacket and a tie "You look good what do you think" I asked "Yeah I look good" he said "Ok now I need to find something for the party you can take that off if you want until the party" I said "Ok" he said I walked back to my room and found something to wear a suit with a tie great I took it off and went down to the main floor and helped with a decorerations, sweets, music, and food someone was putting up the disco ball and needed my help I was walking pass them "Hey Luz" they said I turned around it was my friend Gus "What" I asked "Can you help me with setting up the disco ball" he asked "Sure" I said then I helped him attact the ball to the ceiling and then my friend Willow needed my help "Luz" she said I turned to her "Yeah" I asked "Can you help me pick what color flowers should be put up" she said "Sure" I said she lead me to the front and asked me "Ok does green, light blue, purple, teel, or yellow look good" she said I thought for a minute "Hmm maybe green" I said "Really" she asked "Yeah it's your color isn't it" I asked "Yeah thanks Luz" she said "No problem" I said walking away then the dico ball turned on I noticed Gus playing with the light of the ball I walked over "Need some help again" I asked "Yeah I can't pick what color to set the dico ball" he said "Ok well I think you should do light blue" I said "Ok" he said and set the color to light blue it looked good I noticed I had to tell Amity about the party so I snuck out when no one was looking and went to the agent base I throw a rope up to Amity's balcony and climbed up and tapped her window she came out and shut the balcony door "Luz you didn't come for mostly all day I was getting worried you'd forgotten" she said "No I haven't but there is something you should know and this is why I was kinda late" I said "What" she asked "We are having a party it's the 100th year anniversary of the bounty hunters" I said "No way we're having a party too tonight it's also the 100th year anniversary of the agents" she said "Cool but I was thinking we could see each other tonight" I said "Yeah of course" she said "Ok we'll both sneak out and meet at the barrier" I said "Ok" she said then someone knocked on Amitty's door I went over the railing and grabbed the rope and lowered myself I overheard what they said "Dad" Amity said I heard the balcony door opened "Amity what are you doing out in your balcony shouldn't you be getting ready for tonight" her dad asked "I am ready I just needed some air" she said "Ok meet you down on the main floor" he said "Ok" she said after a bit I heard the balcony door shut and she came and looked down to me I looked up "My dad is gone you can come back up" she said "Ok" I said I came back up "I guess I'll see you soon" I said "Yeah you too" she said then I went back over the railing and down the rope I took the rope off of the balcony and ran back to the bounty hunter base I entered and Eda came up to me "There you are Luz I was looking for you" she said "Yeah" I said "Where were you" she asked "I was getting some freash air outside" I said "Ok go get ready the party will start in a few minutes" she said "Ok" I said I went to my room and got my suit and tie on when I exited my room I noticed King was having a hard time getting his clothes on and helped him "There you go" I said "Thanks Luz" he said hugging my leg "Anytime" I said then both of us went down to the main floor and the party started I hang out for a few minutes some guy came up to me "May I have this dance ma'am" he said holding out his hand "Umm I guess so" I said I grabbed his hand and we danced for a minute then I realized I had to meet up with Amity "Ok that's enough" I sais pushing him off me a little then I walked pass him and snuck out the door and I went to the barrier and waited for a few seconds Amity ran up and jumped into my arms hugging me "I'm sorry I'm late my dad was trying to tell me to look at some boys" she said "No, no it's okay I was held up to by a guy" I said "Ok well then may I have this dance" she said holding out her hand I smiled then grabbed her hand and we danced, we danced all night and no one bothered us the night sky above us was pretty and then we both got tired of dancing "Well this was fun" I said "Yeah I agree" she said "But we should get back to our real parties before someone gets suspicious" I said "Yeah see you tomorrow" she said "Yeah you too" I said then we both went our seprate ways and I entered the base I noticed the party ended and no one was out of their rooms I was tired so I went up to my room and noticed King there I guess he wanted to sleep with me again "You can sleep with me again" I said "Thanks" he said then I got ready for bed and laid down next to him and fell asleep cludding him.

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