Monster Painting

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Page 1

Panel one:

A man in a blue costume is standing outside of a house taking notes

Panel two:

The man is hears a Flap sound and turns around

Panel three:

Godop and Harpy lands and the man smiles seeing them.

Godop (doesn't seems interested, but makes a small wave to the man): Hey Blue Shot...

Panel four

Blue shot (happy to see them): Godop, Harpy it's good to see you

Panel five:

Harpy (happy to see him): It's good to see you as well.

Godop (still uninterested): so why did you call us here?"

Panel six

Blue Shot (points at the house): well, there's a situation going on in that house over there.

Page 2

Panel 1

Blue shot (smirks) I figure that my baby brother and his angelic girlfriend can handle it

Harpy giggles

Godop (flustered) Shut up!

Panel 2

Harpy (still amused): So what's the situation

Blue shot (thinks): well, there's a monster in there luring and eating kids. I Have no Idea what it is and what it can do

Panel three:

Godop (unamused): so how come you can't do it

Blue shot (smirks): I not getting paid to do this, and this problem seems like something you two would enjoy.

Panel 4

Blue shot (walks away) anyways, have fun you two

Godop (sighs) :your the worst

Blue Shot: love you too

Panel 5

Harpy and Godop (annoyed) goes to the door of the house and tries to open it.

Harpy (not happy): the doors locked, can you do what you do best

Panel 6

Godop (excited): Sure

Page 3

Panel 1


Godop burst through the window and lands on the floor.

Panel 2

Godop opens the door letting harpy in.

Harpy (concerned): Are you ok?! That's not what I meant!

Panel 3

Harpy inspects Godop's body for any injuries

Godop (unfazed) I'm fine, plus we got that door opened so it worked.

Panel 4

They stop what they were doing as they heard screaming. They looked shocked

Panel 5

Godop and Harpy (scripts)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora