Monster Painting: Editors version

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This is the version my editor did. Some of the things being said are notes for me before I draw this out.

Page 1:

Panel One:

A man in a blue costume is standing outside of a house taking notes (What does the man look like? What does the house look like? Where is he standing outside of the house? Right outside of it? Far away from it? Outside by the front door? The side?)

Panel Two:

The man hears a flapping sound suddenly (the sound is shown in the panel, it is where he turns towards?) and turns around towards the sound to see what it is?

Panel Three:

Godop and Harpy land (near the man? In front of the man?) and the man smiles as he notices who they are.

Godop (seems bothered and disinterested by the man's presence, but makes a small wave to the man): Hey Blue Shot...

Panel Four

Blue Shot (happy to see the two): Godop! Harpy! it's great to see you two!

Panel Five:

Harpy (happy to see Blue Shot): It's good to see you too, Blue Shot!

Godop (still uninterested in Blue Shot): So whyyy (slanted and drawn out to show his annoyance with Blue Shot) did you call us here?"

Panel Six

Blue Shot (points at the house): Well, there's a situation going on in that house over there. (It would be a bit funny to have a sound effect going "Pointing" as he points at the house)

Page 2:

Panel One:

Blue Shot (smirks and nudges Godop with his elbow who is shown to be annoyed by this): I fiiiigured that my baby brother and his angelic girlfriend could handle it, no sweat.

Harpy is shown to be giggling at this statement

Godop (flustered and annoyed by being nudged by his brother): Shut up!

Panel Two:

Harpy (still amused): So, what's the situation?

Blue shot (shown doing an "I don't know?" Pose for humor): Welp! There's a biiiiig monster in there luring and eating KIDS!... I have no earthly idea WHAT it is and what it can do to the organs of a human, probably bad things....but I'm just guessing!

Panel Three:

Godop (unamused with his brother's antics): So how come YOU can't do this job?

Blue Shot (smirks as he pokes Godop in the chest or head): Because I'MMMM not getting PAIDDDD to do this job, YOUUUU are....(you could have this is a sequential panel where you show a second panel he walks off then turns back leading into him saying this to Godop in the third:) "Oh! Andddd this problem seems like something that you two would enjoy, especially you, like how you always brag about to Mom at Thanksgiving dinner, "Oh, me and Harpy stopped this monster from harming the public, pass the mashed potatoes, anyways me and Harpy are heroes!"

Panel Four:

Blue shot (walking away (to the side? Off in the distance? How so?) Anyways! Have fun you two!

Godop (sighs, head down?) : You are the the WORST!

Blue Shot (raises a hand bye as the other is in his pocket): Love you too Baby Brother! -whistles as he walks off-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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