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...in which conspicuous  murders are
      occurring in the heart of Tokyo with
you as the object of admiration
to a love ridden  serial killer.


As a university student and famed crime blogger, you never thought you'd be on the other side of the yellow tape when a devastation occurs. However, after receiving the unfortunate attention of a rampant and obsessed predator, you've come to realize the dire consequences of your actions. Whether luck or fate, the chase is on. Put your detective hats on and buckle up, readers, we have a serial killer to catch. That is, of course, if he doesn't catch you first.

⎡ murder au ⎤


Fear crawls atop your body, curling and sinking in every inch of your skin. Run, your trembling mind hisses, don't look back. And yet, you stand your ground. You did not reach this far in the investigation to back out now.

"What are you going to do, no— " you whisper, voice gritty and low to keep any weakness from seeping in, "what have you done to me?"

With a lack of a light source, [eye color] eyes frantically search for an outline of the man in the darkness. After so long, you've come into close contact— face to face with him. The devil incarnated who haunts you every damn night. In every waking breath and lasting sigh, the despair that lingers finally settles in his presence.

You hate yourself for it.

"I've done nothing. Nothing you could hate me for, because," he raises his arms, opening himself into a facade of vulnerability, "I am not the one who decidedly thrives in this savagery, [name]."

"Shut the hell up! I have nothing to do with this, I never chose to become involved. You forced me into this, you are the one with the knife, you bastard. You always have been."

He doesn't say anything initially, as if grasping at the words themselves. There is a silence so soft, you shudder in the absence of any violent noise.

"Well," he sighs, "I suppose there is a difference in being born bloodstained and becoming stained with blood. Still, who are you to decide which is worse?"

The light flickers on.

God, how you wished things could have been different. Because you shift your attention to the ground stained with red and follow the trail to a hollowed out body. His body.

At first, your hands shake—trembling and dipped in sweet crimson. And then, you scream.


AKAASHI KEIJI, the detective.

BOKUTO KOUTAROU, the partner.

TENDOU SATORI, the best friend.

— SUNA RINTARO, the bartender.

S̴̫̘͙̲͝Y̴̧̬͋̄͌̈̅́̈́̓Ŝ̵̨̰̩̫̹̤͙̥͓̆͋̂̈́̈͜͝T̶̘̄͛̅̍͐̈͠E̶̛̮͓̹̭̺̒̅̈́̈̇̕͠ͅM̵͎̗͇̘̜͊̆̊̿̏̉͐ ̶̨̯̭͇̽͑͛Ȩ̷̧̛̰͈̣͈̗͓͒̉̾̄̓̉̃̊̋Ȑ̷̢̪̈́͌̌͒͠R̴̢̨̡͍͖͚̠̹̿Ǫ̴̡̛̠̲̰͕̝̐̀̌́̒̒̓ͅṞ̸̲̦͛̓̋̎̊͛̏̇̀̈́, loading character...

H E L P F U L  T I P S

credit to artist(s) for cover + banner artwork.

this will the first (and likely last) fic of mine where i will allow readers to choose the fate of this story. depending on your decision, the story's pairing will vary. you choose what happens, so good luck!

a quick side note— you may not agree with how i perceive these characters, but this is an opinion/perspective of them in this particular setting. some of their characteristics will be exaggerated while others will not.

best seen in dark mode and desktop. to have a wider knowledge and greater experience of the story, i suggest searching up the translations for any foreign words. they will change daily depending on the decisions you make.

reader is gender neutral.

please provide feedback and comment. it always helps inspire and motivate me to write.


dark themes | profanity. (implied) sexual
themes. manipulation. gore.

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