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Fuseli, Henry, The Nightmare, 1781

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Fuseli, Henry, The Nightmare, 1781.

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YACHI HITOKA IS AN ONLY CHILD, an aspect of herself that she was very proud of relishing in. She will yield to the fact that in the absence of her parents, it was a lonely venture. A sibling, whether younger or older, could have provided solace in the reoccurring solitude.

Nonetheless, Yachi was happy without any companions as she would be the sole subject of attention in her family. Sure, her familial relationship wasn't necessarily perfect, taking into account the brief cold wars between her mother and herself. Although, those were a matter of pride and miscommunication. Common factors that all parent-child relationships typically face; not seeing eye to eye was a critical detail in growing up.

Eventually, a year or so prior to the blondette attending Tokyo University, the two reconciled. Her mother's pampering was evidence of that, and in return, Hitoka confessed her intentions to major in graphic design, aspiring to be like the older woman.

That had been the first time she witnessed her mother crying, albeit it was a happy sense of crying based on her watery smile. Unbeknownst to her, Yachi Hitoka would never witness the second.

Perhaps, having grown in the countryside, there was a bubble that surrounded the student. Danger reluctantly bounced off, leaving her unharmed, therefore, the student's senses dulled. Or, the incessant coddling and overindulgence of her family rid Yachi of any endangering experiences that would hone their daughter's survival instincts.

In spite of such luck, the tension that captures her spine in a coil was a first-degree warning that even she, the spoiled girl, could not ignore.

It was an ignorant mistake, she'll admit that. To expose her vulnerability as a woman and walk amidst the twisted time where wretched creatures lurked with lust lingering in their mouth and bearing cruelty in their teeth.

In her defense, she assumed the campus itself would be fine. With campus security roaming around the setting, the likelihood of any prevalent danger immensely decreased. With said factors in play, Yachi waved off her roommate's offer to accompany her to study.

"I'll be fine, don't worry! If it makes you feel better, I'll have campus security take me there," Hitoka assured with a smile.

"I don't know..." Her roommate hesitates before shooting the young girl with a stern look. "Just promise you won't go alone, please?"

"Mhm, I promise!"

After much time spent ensuring her worried roommate would not attend to her, she stood outside her dorm glancing upward towards her room's window, carefully observing as the light went off and her roommate slumbered off. Yachi Hitoka paid no mind to the newly made contact of campus security nor did she plan to use it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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