Chapter 3

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TW:underage drinking 

~~~~~~~~~~your pov~~~~~~<~<<<<<~~~~

The small gas station near your house was empty except for a bored cashier. Perfect, you thought to yourself. You and Eddie walked in, and were instantly greeted by the smell of greasy rotisserie hotdogs. Eddie dashed for the chips, whilst you went to get drinks.

"What do you want drink?" You shouted. He was silent for a couple seconds before responding. You grabbed your drink of choice and Eddie's drink. He had gotten a large pack of off-brand chips, saying that 'there cheaper'. When you got to your house, you saw a note from your mom on the kitchen counter. 'I'll be back tomorrow morning, Ted is having me work overtime.' Meanwhile, Eddie was inspecting your house, looking around your living room. 

"You wanna go up to my room?" You asked. He nodded his head, and you lead him up to your room. Once you got to your room, Eddie instantly noticed your record player.

"Nice record player! Got any good music?" He asked. You kneeled down to your record crate and pulled out a Joan Jett album, and carefully placed the record on the player. Turning it on and placing down the weird needle thing, the intro to 'Jezebel' began to play. 

An hour of hanging out with Eddie, doing homework, and bad dancing later, Eddie and you had stolen some of your moms beer. 

"I've never tried it before. Does it taste bad?" You asked him, who had already drank half the can.

"Trust me, you'll like it." He said. You began to drink some of it, and it tasted very bitter.

"Ew. It tastes like stale bread." 

"Heh. You'll get used to it." A couple swigs later, and you felt drunk. You must be what they call a 'lightweight'. Eddie seemed hotter. It's not like he wasn't already hot, but he was just..better? You didn't know how to describe it. 

Eddie was in front of you know, and the two of you began to lean into one another. Your lips crashed together, and what was  a simple kiss became making out, which led to the two of you having your hands all over each other.

(Next chapter will be.. 😏)

Eddie Munson x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now