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entry 1

*there's a weird mark below the collarbones,the symbols of elements are in a circle
*i touched the symbol,nothing happened
*i touched the geo symbol,my geo powers activated,how strange...
*i pressed the geo symbol,my powers almost went out of geo powers have never shown such a.......powerful display before.
* i spent the whole day getting rid of the rocks,there wasn't much time for investigation left

albedo kreideprinz

entry 2
*today i will be observing the overall state of the statue,i should've done that first but...the mark captured my curiousity
*the sculpture looks abstract,i can barely tell which limb is which.
*its figure seems does not follow human anatomy,all the bones and muscles are in the wrong places,it looks like it was tortured.
*was it once human?

albedo kreideprinz

entry 3
*mr albedo asked me to continue the investigation,he said someone with a different vision might find something different
*today,i'll touch the sculpture
*mr albedo said that his powers almost went out of control when he touched the geo symbol,but when i touched the anemo symbol,all the wind was directed at me,like it was trying to kill me or something... did that happen to mr albedo? i'll ask him later.
*mr albedo said his powers weren't hostile,just out of control
*does this show that the sculpture is sentient?
*mr albedo's theory about it once being human might be correct,i checked it,and it was far to detailed for someone to have sculpted it,it even had organs!


entry 4
*tomorrow might be the most dangerous experiment yet. i'll put all the plans here so i don't make a mistake...
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(a/n: no this is not morse code)

albedo kreideprinz

entry 5

albedo kreideprinz

a chrysalis of chimera,fissures of elements,spider webs of cracks splinter through metal,a glance of porcelain skin,and the rare glee flits across the chalk prince's face,yet it was followed by disbelief.success,even for someone as experienced as he,was rare in the field of alchemy.

but all thought is interrupted,as a blood-curdling shriek slices through that euphoria of his.

the disarray of bones,fall in place like puzzle pieces,the hissing and creaking,a communication of boundless pain,as the butterfly was still encased in its chrysalis.although it was but a ephemeral moment,as the butterfly finally stretches its newly spun wings.

she really was an work of art,for such a beautiful maiden can only be created by the finest of amateur could be able to work those delicate lips to just the right amount of plumpness,no mediocre artist could paint such enchanting hues in those irises,no meandering dollmaker could spin such crystalline locks,she was a creation of celestia itself,her very being so ethereal,there simply cannot be another explanation to her being.

however,unlike the winged nymphs that are the royalty of the forests,her existence before him,was only a evanescent minute.for as the tides of exhaustion bounded over him,she had vanished through the brass doors.although no footprints are planted in her wake,he simply utilized some of his fabled alchemy,carving blossoms in her lilting ballet,although he must be nimble,for the petals will shrivel soon.

ah,creation is truly a fickle thing.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──

"yeah...uh,what is it ,paimon?"
"isn't that girl..."
"i know."

a whimsical tune of joy plays through her harmonius voice,her fragile legs,twirling so gracefully,like a swan in flight.she pirouettes to the weaving symphonies of the music box in her heart,the wind tossles her hair playfully,as she dances so freely.

"so...albedo's experiment worked?"
"who knew that all he needed to do was to keep pressing the geo symbol?"

the young lady's melody was like medicine to soothe their aching souls,her arms flutter,an illusion of a heaven-sent angel appears before them.

the dress she wears of pure white,the sleeves exposing slim shoulders,diaphounous as loose threads coalesce,becoming roots for paper flowers to flourish,the skirt cascading in unfurling petals,skyward feathers brush around her knees,her top embroidered with innocent white roses.however,an onyx chain disrupts childish facade,linking to the charcoal black ribbon on her chest.

"aether! paimon! have you seen...oh,there she is." panic pooling into serene eyes ,now dissipating,as exhilaration seeps through in its place.the innocent buds he follows struggling to live in the fractures and cracks,now curl into graying leaves,not even ashes remain.

however,the dancing maiden seems intrigued by the buds that died too fast,and in a single leap of grace,steps upon the rough textile and fissures in the stairway,leaving the others' hearts to spring in panic.

gently,she caresses a remaining petal,ink spreading through paper white,however,once her delicate skin brushes the wrinkled black,a brand-new bud blossomed from the murky pigment.gasps ring and caged the young lady,though,she didn't pay them much mind,as emerald vine climbs her sleeve,curling itself on silk thread as her sleeves erupted with white petals.

her performance of elation continues,as she twirls and leaps amongst hopeful petals and joyous white,such lovely hymms she sung,the songs of mondstadt she holds by heart.halcyon blissard of mist-white petals,gales of velvety buds.bottle green vine and succelent winding leaves, climb desperately up the walls,leading incandescent blooms to flutter in the singing breeze.

such an moment of dreamlike reality,the otherworldy traveler wants to bathe in it for eternity,his heart leaps and twirls along with the girl's body,sings along with the girl's voice,but he wishes,oh-so-longingly,to hold her hands and dance of glee with her.

but,alas,all moments of euphoria were fated to end,as the echoes of heaving footsteps snake along the buds,knights bearing,yet undeserving of the favonious crest.
"you are hereby arrested for vandalism of mondstadt property,please come with us to the knights of favonious headquarters!"

splutters of fiery anger explode from the sun-blessed traveler,"how is this vandalism? they're flowers!"

"we should leave quickly,"muses the chalk scientist,"from where they are now,they can't see our faces."

as the words spill from his lips,a fierce whirlwind of withering black flora roars,caging the false knights in its furious grasp,a glance from the alchemist,to the maiden of chimera,who's hand is resting on a single night-black petal.

my,look how quickly that ballet of joy was forgotten.

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