chapter 4.dandelion

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the everlasting current of whistling hymms engulf them again,modestly crafted building and cottages stand proud with elegance,the rickety taverns especially so.for they were,although less grand than the homes it was encompassed by,one might as well say it is the heart and soul of mondstadt,where citizens gather to relieve themselves of aching mind and laugh over drunken nostalgia with old friends.

the cobbled pathways of unostentacious stone,furnished with shops aplenty.succulent flora adourned the plain bricks,polished tables of rich mahogany sit themselves besides the rough texture of soot-gray.ah,yes,for the simple streets of mondstadt was but a meer canvas of stark white.the god himself is absent,forgotten,burdening his beloved citizens who worship him so dearly to cease of the vile traitor who turned only because the archon had vanished.

but of course! that was expected of the wind god,for his lies has thrown his treasured city into desperate turmoil.he basks in praise undeserving,when in truth he will not bother to lift a hand to devoid mondstadt of conflict so great it may demolish the very city. all in the name of freedom,he says.

she pities the children of mondstadt so dearly,for her empathy reaches beyond the surfaces of distant facades of understanding.her experiences and so-called 'adventures' rival that of the greatest heroes of the city of freedom themselves!

ah,dear barbatos,when will you ever understand the true meaning of freedom? for freedom cannot be granted without responsibility,and your dearest children have earned that gift of halcyon freedom infinite times!

but,with all your promises of fake freedom,you refuse to grant them the gift,

when will you take responsibility,barbatos?

when will you rid mondstadt of its burdens?

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──

the building of murky brick,two guards stand uselessly besides furbished melancholic oak,the mist of responsibility seeps longingly through the mask of the elite.winces of pity are visible on the star-bound traveler and his companion nymph.

the chalk prince's face was passive,yet undertones of hurt are engraved in his gemstone eyes,yet he does not wish to relieve the figure behind the doors of this burden,for he does not belong with mundane dilemmas.his curious nature has explored so far,average nuisances he no longer understands.

the bunny outrider,her face a blank canvas with nothing but a singular stroke of eagerness.perhaps she was a bit simple-minded,or just feinting ignorance.she may have worked as an outrider for many years,yet she is still but a rookie at heart.her loyalty may be boundless,but even loyalty is useless when the possesser lacks ability to utilize it.

the transcendent maiden,she may be the sole being who truly understands the anguish seeping through closed gates.but she understands that displaying rhapsodic empathy is a signal of vulneralbility,yet failing to showcase emotions sears the symbol of inhumanity into your skin,why must humans of this universe judge you so?

she tapes a psuedo-smile of serene tranquility,painting the thinnest layers of foolish empathy,an expression most humans will display at,perhaps,a distant relative's friend's funeral.a shallow mask of pretence pity,only to fool the reciever that they are humane.

yet that particular expression is different than the one she wears now;she donns a mask of tranquil silence,a crudely sculpted expression of the common foolish empathy,only to tell tales of her humanity.

but for those watchful eyes,they can see beyond that,and reach for the reassuring gaze hidden deep within layers of emptiness.yes,only those who deserve to understand her will have a fleeting chance of understanding.

"man,i hope grandmaster jean is doing okay..." a worriesome pout appears upon the dawn-hued outrider's strawberry pigmented lips,the soft pads of her bow-weilding fingers press against the rosy splashes of color on her cheeks.

"well then,why don't we find out?" the star-bound traveler sends his dear friends a smile meant to inspirit,although it merely summoned an air of awkwardness as he had recieved no gratifiying reply,and was sent only a letter of silence cold as stone.

"hurry up! let's go in." his floating companions wishes away the vexatious fog gathering around the sun-blessed boy,and so,still sulking,he wraps fingers calloused from swordfighting around the lacquered golden handle,with an air of stiffness the mahogany wood swings open.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──

the sun's light pools in through crystalline glass windows framed in carvings of timber,tales of magnificent heroes who have left their wisdom and courage upon mondstadt,these stories are engraved in sorrowful wood.

the light blankets the manmade ground,caressing the frail figure of a young woman who has seen the universe far too early,yet she has been caged from it all too late.the magnificient sun sings of her troubles to the world,although no one listens but the transcendent maiden.

she was the one true angel,oh so rare amongst the world of tainted souls,though her own soul was very much so tainted,perhaps even more than those average mundane beings,she continues her infinite burden even as she drowns under the suffocating waters of caterwauling ignorance.

one's emotions can be seen through one's eyes,and although she has potential to hide it,she was much too fatigued to do so. her eyes are like stormy skies,azure blue splashes swirling serenely amongst quiet white,but the white is vestiqued with filthy grays patches and ominous black splotches.

the dedication set in her once azure eyes...she will continue her duty for as long as she lives.

this is someone the transcendent maiden can respect.

the dandelion knight's clouded gaze peers through the parchments yellowing with age,she stood,greeting them with a graceful bow of deep respect.y/n's disgust for the soldiers stabs deeper through her fragile heart,such a leader of genuine benevolence,who treats her men with respect,for she knows the hardships they must face.if only they treat the dirty work that was their duty with such respect...

"greetings to you,windborne travelers. i am jean,the dandelion knight and acting grandmaster of mondstadt. i believe you have someone you would like to introduce me to?"

a/n: sorry the last two chapters were just filler,i wanted to get more used to the writing style before i add more characters.

next chapter y/n will talk a bit more tho,and thanks for reading this a/n,since many people just skip it :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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