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'Gahh' stop need a home to live...My House is The Tiniest Shell in the world..Wait..I've Got a Idea!
Come with me.
What are you doing? stop Sleeping we don't have time anyone at anytime might be here and they will get you!
I'm wounded there is no way I could get to a place that is better than this...And Where do I Go? Even if I hide in depths of space they...will find me either way like they did in this time...
what do you mean?
Were we you?
I am Seoul..I'm the Dragon of Flames...I'm From The Era Of Incinelis In The Planet Of InXineFerno.
I'm the Master Of Fire Known As HellFire..This is a Art That Has Been passed down to our dynasties for centuries until one day..And That Day was The Day I Took The Decision to Either Let The People Of Planet Crysteria to Planet InXineFerno.
And it was my worst decision.
They...I...Gave Them Better Resources and Quality Of Living In Cold Temperatures But They...THEY DISOBEYED And TURNED ALL MY DRAGONS against Me...I Was Hunted By My Very Own Friend...The King of Crysteria...He..Was A Very Old And Miserable Friend... He sent all his missionaries and all my fellow dragons to Hunt Me down and Imprison me....and they were successful..since flame is no where as powerful as water and Ice Combined...I Was Captured And Held Captive for a Thousand years until one day...A Very Unexpected Disaster happend at my planet..A War...A Planetary war broke out between the dragons of both planets, Mainly Due To The King Of Crysteria...Ivono Gave All Facilities to The People of Crysteria and the Dragons of InXineFerno Were Poor And Miserable and thus a revolt began to overthrow the king.
The tiny sparks of flame were nothing compared to the giant and Titanic cubes of ice generated by the Crysteria representative Ivono. The Ice Reached Al The Way To My Cell Made of MoonRite
Metal which is the weakness of us InXineFernoians'. I Easily melted the now ice-moon combined bar and escaped.
I wished escaping was any better....
The way to escaping the hell of a planet and going to planet 001 was Harder than it used to be..the containment #666 that was a gruesome and bloodthirsty Dragon with a visor to not let it see due to it being blind, chained by MoonRite made chains that were hurting his flesh every moment we're broken to kill all of InXineFerno Dragons' And Destroy the planet....
The creature was led free in the space expeditionary Missile that sent every dragon to space to colonize different planets.
I Used a Camouflage emergency Suit to Escape the guards but how could I escape the beast that was roaming free inside there?
I needed to be slow and quiet.
I was close to the capsule but he saw me he was using his wings not his paws to get to me...Rule breaker...
I got into the Titanic capsule and went straight to the vastness of space..
He lost for now...
Then I Landed to Planet 001 known as earth to you... earthling's I'm and all my species have no name to our civilization but we have a sign language. I learned human language from the inhabitants of this place.
They call me dragon. After they saw about 5 thousand years ago.
I Came to This Lake Known as Mariana Trench it was the place suitable and big enough for me to rest and heal for ages.
This planet was way smaller than my mother planet InXineFerno.

That's quite tragic...Where is your friend Ivono Now?
His Probably in Crysteria Since he Destroyed my Planet...
That Beast
His taking his revenge..
Revenge? What revenge? What did you do to him for what he did to you...?
My father...Our Father Nevatu Created us 4 brothers to serve four planets
Namely: InXineFerno, Crysteria & Gaia.
But there was a catch the Only 3 of the 4 brothers' Can Rule The 3 planets individually. the left out being would be forever trapped in the cage of Valhalla
To power the Universal Being Go Jira.
It Has to be powered to make the world peaceful again.
And the Only way to do that is to make a divine being power it.
But Nevatu didn't want to make it unfair and chose who he likes, So he made a challenge. And made all of us from non-physical to Physical Beings And Told us to survive a life.
We tested us.
The being who did the best who win and get the roles.
The 4 brothers were
Me, Seoul, Ivono, Verzard & Galactic
I was given a special ability to make fire
Ivono was given control over ice & water.
Verzard was All About Nature and danger.
Galactic Played with physics and matter.
All of us had anti-matter ability's.
I played Ivono and Galactic Badly.
They were the most-unfavorate beings of the universe because of one mistake made by me.
I, Ivono & Galactic Were In the Place of Riddles And only one would pass but I played them and made it out. While they thought about team-work.

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