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Danny left Tommy after they'd discussed a parly, and Tommy took in a shuddering breath, still trying to shake off the aftermath of his nightmare. He had an important day ahead, and he needed his head to be clear. No, he thought. What I need is Coraline. But she wasn't there.

He picked Grace up from the Garrison, and noted with approval that she was wearing a very flattering pink dress. She was sure to catch Kimber's eye, just as he'd hoped. She smiled pleasantly at him, but he couldn't return it as he opened the car door for her. He couldn't help but wish that she was Coraline, but that just wouldn't serve his purpose. 

Tommy and Grace snuck into the races, giving their aliases of Lady Sarah of Connermara, and the man who accompanied her but spoke not a word of English. It was almost too easy, Tommy thought, as he handed Grace another drink, which she drank quickly. She looked nervous  and Tommy didn't blame her. He'd just informed her that he was about to go and talk with Billy Kimber, and that she should wait at the bar for him to return. She nodded, her face impassive, and he left.

"Hello, Grace," Coralines quiet voice interupted Graces musings, causing her to jump. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!"

Grace, regaining her composure, studied Coralines face before concluding that she had indeed, not meant to startle her. It wasn't that she didn't fully trust the woman, it was just that she was so close to the Shelbys, and honestly, Grace felt threatened.

"Coraline," she greeted pleasantly.

The woman smiled at her, and Grace was suddenly struck by her beauty - her light brown curls framed her face, with its high cheekbones, full lips and small dimples. And her eyes - against the red of her dress, her deep blue eyes framed by thick dark lashes, were captivating. But what made her all the more alluring, was the fact that she didn't know she was beautiful. It was evident by the way she twisted her hands when she was with company, the way she always looked down unless she was talking to you, and the faint blush spreading across her doll like face as she realised that Grace was staring at her.

"Are you okay, Grace?" She asked, seemingly concerned.

"Oh yes, sorry." Grace cleared her throat.

"You look lovely," Coraline commented generously, not missing the flash of annoyance that appeared in Graces eyes.

"As do you," Grace replied quickly.

"Thank you," Coraline replied. "Where is Tommy? I thought he was bringing you?"

Graces gaze hardened. "He's talking to Billy Kimber," she said, gesturing over to where the two men were talking. It just so happened that Kimber was looking back at them, causing Tommy to follow his gaze. As soon as Tommy caught sight of Coraline, Grace knew she'd lost him for the evening - if shed ever had him, that is. His eyes focused in the young woman with an intensity that Grace had never seen before. And the worst part? Coraline didn't even seem to notice.

Grace watched as Tommy frowned at something Billy Kimber said to him, before nodding tersely, and making his way back over to them. Grace quickly ordered another drink, knowing she'd need it to get through seeing Coraline and Tommy together.

"Coraline..." Tommy addressed her as if Grace wasn't wasn't there.

"Hello Tommy, you look very smart," Coraline said, but she didn't smile at him like Grace thought she might have. She sensed some tension, and wondered what on earth was going on.

"You look..."

Coraline raised an eyebrow, clearly misinterpreting hesitation as him not liking what he saw, when in fact, he was struggling to find the right word.

Coraline MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now