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"Cause have been identified as Exsissive usage of smoke and abused lungs by heavy metallic smoke accumulation.......I'm sad to say this but- there are more than one tumors in his lungs.......reports have diagnosed 

Stage 3 lung cancer"

The strong scent of disinfectants burned my nostrils as My fingers grasped the matress tightly to avoid any sort of reaction, the white light almost blinding my eyes as I was laid down on a hospital bed. I didn't want to meet your eyes, staring at me with the utter shock, closed my eyes tightly because I knew,

When they said I'm exactly the carbon copy of my father, I did look like him, from raven hair to all details but I should've known. If I am his copy, then the death also shall be it.

I fought with myself  to stop the falling tear from the corner of my eyes, but my heart clenched hard it was really hard to breathe, saw the crystals of tears pooling and streaming across your face while you tried to stop the sobs by your elegant fingers. I'm sorry you had to suffer because of my mere life.

I'm sorry Tae, sweetheart. I really am.


Don't you ever just go like, " Maybe I'm enjoying my life like a happy bitch in a parallel universe-  i guess i had too much social media for today :')

 「 HAYIGAN 」_"肺癌"_ | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now