Teaser and chapter one

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BOBBY I yelled entering the house I hear rustling coming from the kitchen and slowly stalked towards the noice
I lightly grab a bat that I left here . I grabbed it lifting it up in the air ready to swing who ever is there . I stalked my way at the entrance and a hand grabbed my bat making me hit the wall. The hand grabbed my hand and I grabbed who ever the attacker was and grabbed their arm pulling it behind them and slammed them into the wall . They groaned in pain and yelled for someone named Sam . I groaned hearing a gun cock .
Let him go and step away slowly the man said to me
I slowly step away and turn fast taking my hand and grabbed his wrist sharply and grabbed the gun cocking it towards him
Who the hell are you and where is Bobby I say sharply
He throws his hand up and walks towards the other man
I point the gun to them and they look at each other
Why would we tell you ? The short one says to me
I glare
What have you done to Bobby ? I yelled at them
Clara put the gun down I hear Bobby say to me
I turn and see Bobby standing there with his hands towards me
I glare softly and look at the men
I put the gun down and look at Bobby
Who the hell is she , who the hell are they me and the men say at same time
We glare at each other
And turn to Bobby
Clara these are the Winchesters dean and Sam he says to me
I turn and nod to the men .
Guys this is Clara she is my adopted daughter now you idjits better clean up this mess he says to us
I look at the men and point to the mess
You clean it I say to dean .
Adopted daughter? Dean asks shocked
I smile at them
Yes daughter I say to them
I smile at my dad
Hey dad i says to him
He looks at me and shakes his head
I turn to the men
You guys are the idiots that decided to scare me so you clean it I say to the short one
One I'm dean sweetheart and I don't clean he says smirking at me
I smile at him and walk to him And touch his arm
He smirks seeing this
And his smirk drops after I turn his arm backwards so his chest is against the wall again
He groans in pain
Sammy get this chick off me dean says to the tall man
Sam laughs and shakes his head and looks at me
Clara I'm Sam he says to me smiling
I smile back
So this is your brother I say to him nodding to the man I have against the wall
He laughs and nods
Sammy get her off now dean says trying to shake me off
He laughs to dean
You should really clean It I don't want to mess with her he says to him
I let him go and walk with Sam to the kitchen where Bobby is
So Sam and Clara now y'all met I have case that is serious. A young couple in Texas has been murdered they had a daughter who said she saw the murder and his eyes shown black . Bobby says to us
We nod
What does this have to do with Clara deans says to him
Bobby smiles jokingly
You idjits will be teaming up for this one Bobby says smiling at us
WHAT dean and I say at same time

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