Chapter five

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Cas pov
After Clara left out the room dean and Sam turn to me
How do you know Clara Sam asks me
I shake my head at him
You know her as Clara ....I know her as Mystic I say softly
Sam looks confused
But Bobby when he says mystic she turns into this ...creature like person he says to me
I nod
Cas what are you not telling us you never mentioned her to us before dean says
I nod
That's because there is a reason why clara doesn't remember me she would remember me if she was in heaven as an angel but she ...that was when she was only 15 ... god made her forget everything and made her only make her think she has parents and made it seem like she was a normal human . I say to them
So she was a angel before she came here Sam asks
And I nod
Yes but she won't remember me unless I personally say her real name Mystic god only wants it awaken by an angel and an angel only I say to them
Dean shakes his head
So not only do we have to deal with one angel but now two why does she look different then you he asks
That's because she was a different kind of angel and angel only god created if god finds out of her and other angels especially demons then they will use her and her powers as a weapon I say to them
Sam shakes his head
Well let's get going and find clara he says us and walks out only to come back and ask where she is
What do you mean where she is ? She just went outside dean asks
She's gone sams says
Where is she then ....I asked

Deans pov

At motel security

Hi sir my friend went outside a moment ago and she hasn't came back I was wondering if I can see the footage to see where she went I asked the man behind the counter
He nods
Yes sir let me pull that up for you he says pulling up the footage and shakes his head
I'm sorry sir but it seems she has been taken by some man he says in worry
I raise my eyebrows
What do you mean taken I asked him
He shows me the footage of Clara getting hit on the head and falling to the ground in pain and then a man towering over her picking her up and tossing her in a black suv he turns his head to the camera and smirks his eyes shown black
Would you like me to contact the police sir he asks me
I shake my head no and told him I'll call them myself
I walk out and see Sam and cas
I walk to them
She been take my a demon in a black suv sammy you need to do your nerd shit and find her I say
He nods
Dean we will find her he says to me patting my back
I shake my head
Bobby's gonna kick our ass I say going to the motel room to pack up

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