Chapter Ten

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Here is chapter ten.

"Where are we going?" Maria asked. John had been driving for what seemed like a few hours. "Just be patient. We're almost there." John said. "I just don't understand why am I wearing a blindfold." she replied.

About ten minutes later the car was put to a stop. "Finally!" she sighed. "Nope. You can't take it off just yet." John replied, meaning the blindfold of course.

He helped her out of the car with one arm, while holding Fredricka with the other. "Okay. You can take the blindfold off." She took it off, and squealed in delight.

"Oh my god! We're in Disney Land?" Maria shouted. "I wanted all three of us to do something special. So this is my gift to you and your daughter."

She gave him a wide smile, and walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you so much. I haven't been here since I was a little girl." Maria replied.

She got out Fredricka's stroller and put her in it. Once they stepped inside Fredricka squealed in delight. "Wow. I can't believe it's been so long since I've been here." Maria replied.

Throughout the day they went onto some rides, had some snacks, and took pictures with some of the Disney characters. John even took time to give kids some autographs.

At one point Maria decided to dress herself and her daughter up as Disney Princesses.

Once John spotted, he was in shock and awe. Fredricka ended up looking like Snow White. While Maria went with Cinderella. "So. What do you think?" Maria asked John, doing a little twirl.

"Wow! You look absolutely gorgeous." he replied. Maria blushed, smiling. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Why thank you, my hot and wonderful Prince Charming." she teased. She then stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

"There are so many things I'd like to do with you right now." he says softly while grinning. "But... not here obviously. Because there are hundreds of children here." he added.

"Just be patient. And I promise you in a few hours we'll have lots of fun." she whispered in John's ear. John kissed her again. "I'm looking forward to it." John said.

They went on a few more rides before getting a cheese pizza. "Man I wish Trish and Jeff were here." Maria replied, taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Me too. But he told me they were going to see his parents so they could break the news." John said. Maria looked confused. "What news?" she wondered. "That they were going to have a baby." "Oh. That's right." Maria said.

After finishing their meal John says "It's starting to get dark. What do you say we find a place to stay?" "Sure."

After a half hour drive they found a luxurious hotel. They walked up to the front desk. "Hello. We're here to stay for the night." John said.

The woman looked up and smile. "Is this your wife and daughter?" she said. "No. We're just friends. Just traveling together." Maria replied.

"Okay then. Here is your room key then." the clerk says, handing them their key.

Once they made into their room they laid down on the bed. After watching tv for a couple of hours Maria gave John a kiss, and whispered "After I put Fredricka to sleep, I have a surprise for you."

John grinned. "Now I'm excited." "Okay. I'll be back soon." she replied. About ten minutes later Maria returned wearing her Cinderella outfit from earlier.

"Hey Prince Charming." she teased. John stood up and walked over to her with a big grin on his face. He then looked down and saw one shoe was missing.

"You missing a shoe?" he asked. She revealed a second glass slipper from behind her back. He took it, went down on one knee, and slid it on her foot.

Then they stared at each other before they leaned in forward and kissed. Then he swept her off her feet and carried her to bed. After he set her down, she says "We need to be really quiet. We don't want to wake up Fredricka."

"I'll do my best. No promises though." John said. He then removed his shirt. He then leaned in and kissed her. He started kissing her neck, going down to her collarbone, making her moan softly.

He then had her sit up so he could reach behind and untied the laces holding the top of her outfit in place. He slid it down, and her magnificent breasts were on display.

He started sucking on them when his phone started vibrating. He paused for a moment before saying "I'll let it go to voicemail."

He then put his hand on her thigh. And slid it up, sliding her dress up in the process. Just as he was about to get to her core, his phone vibrated again.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Let me take care of this real quick." he replied, getting up off of the bed.

He picked up his phone and saw it was Jeff Hardy calling. "What is it Jeff?" John asked, a bit irritated. "I'm sorry. Is it a bad time?"

John sensed a bit of depression in Jeff's voice. "Sorry dude. What's wrong?"

"Trish and I were in an accident." Jeff answered. "You okay?" "I broke my arm, but that's it." "What's about Trish? Is she okay?" John asked, sounding concern all of a sudden.

"I don't know." Jeff replied, sounding like he was about to cry. "Where are you right now?" John asked. "I'm staying at my parents. While Trish is at the hospital. They have not said anything to me." Jeff said.

"We'll come by tomorrow." John said. "Are you sure? I don't want to ruin your vacation. And based on the tone of your voice when you answered, it sounded like I must of interrupted something big." Jeff replied.

"No it's okay man. You could use some moral support." "Okay. Thanks a lot John. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Tell Maria I said hi." he says before hanging up.

"What's going on?" Maria said, sounding worried. "Trish is in the hospital." John said. Maria gasped. "What happened?" "They were in an accident. That's all Jeff told me." John said.

She started to cry. "Is she going to be okay?" "I don't know babe. Let's hope so." He gave her a kiss. "We should get some sleep. We're leaving tomorrow morning." John suggested. "Okay. I should go change." Maria said, getting up and headed towards the bathroom.

She came back a few minutes later in her nightgown. She snuggled up close and they both went to sleep.

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