Chapter Twenty

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Here's the next chapter.

John and Jeff are at Jeff's home. They've been able to take it easy the past couple of days knowing full well that both Trish and Maria were okay now and that Mike was finally going to face serious charges.

"So let me get this straight. Matt was an undercover officer." Jeff said to John. "Yep."

"And he had been investigating Mike Kanellis' assault claim for several months." "They never said anything because they didn't want to risk compromising his position." John explained.

"Yep. I couldn't believe it either." John said. "Well. Thank god for him. I never thought my own brother would become a cop."

"Ladies and gentlemen. Officer Matt Hardy." John and Jeff watched on the TV as Matt walked up on a podium.

"Thank you. I'm happy to report that the both Trish Stratus and Maria Kanellis are at the hospital getting treated for their injuries. Luckily neither of them have suffered anything live threatening. And that Fredricka Kanellis was unharmed."

"And that we all have the evidence to put Mike Bennett away behind bars fro a very long time." he added.

After a few moments of silence Matt continued. "You know, while I was in prison, all I could feel was anger. And all I could think of was getting revenge on my ex-girlfriend, who I will not name out of respect."

"And then someone came up to me and told me I could get out of prison early if I was willing to enroll in a program on how to stop domestic abuse."

"At first I thought it was my golden ticket. So I took the courses. After three months of training, I was hired. At first I took it for the money, as well as thinking of plotting against my ex."

"But then as time went on, making arrest after arrest, something inside of me changed. All that anger slowly went away, and was replaced with sadness and guilt. Seeing all those monsters in prison reminded me of the monster I used to be towards my ex."

"I can't thank people enough for helping me and turning my life around. It really feels better to save women than beating them."

"The moment I heard that Maria Kanellis was the victim of a stabbing, it hurt me. Especially since she is a close friend of my ex. This was one of the hardest cases I've ever had to do. Mike Bennett was my closest friend. We travel together during our wrestling days. And this was long before I went to prison."

"When I heard all the rumors that he was beating his wife, I just simply shrugged it off. But the moment I heard that Maria was in the hospital, that's when I stopped having doubts."

"So I took a case and went undercover. We bumped into each other, and he explained what was happening between himself and Maria. And he said he was hell bent on getting revenge."

"And as time went on I've been getting all sorts of prove on him. I made sure to be very cautious, not to get my cover blown. I couldn't contact any of my friends and family because I didn't want to put them at risk. Though one of my biggest regrets was not stopping Mike when he was tailing my brother Jeff and his wife Trish."

"I probably should've stopped him. But I didn't. And instead Trish ended up being put in the life threatening situation. Thankfully I heard that she would survive."

"And then the kidnapping of Maria's daughter. He just simply told me he was just going to the store. But then when he came back, my heart dropped when I saw he had her in his hands. But then the kidnapping of both Trish and Maria, and you all know the rest."

"I hope my ex-girlfriend knows that I've changed my life, and that I'm regretful for all of the torture she's endured because of me. I'm not asking her to take me back, but at least I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me. That's all."

"I can't speak for Lita, but I'm proud of my brother." Jeff said. "I know you are." John said.

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