| No... Not This | 🍋

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My first  🍋 chapter so please bear with me.
I'm doing this for you, not me.
I'd rather not write this.
I don't like the whole sex thing so i just write make out scenes, sorry my eyes are a little too virgin for thou hoes.
Also I know many of the chapters have been completely off topic, so I'm going to slowly pan it back, sorry!
Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Even if it's just you, I'm very happy my story is being read. So I extra motivated to write! PLUS ULTRA!

Denki's POV

Another weird movie was playing that woke him up, not like he hated the two that Shinsou played. Those were cool movies. But this...
This was weird.
On the screen were two guys in a room aggressively making out. What. The. Hell? Is Shinsou really watching this?! He looked to Shinsou, who was asleep. Oh, Nope. Looks like it turned on by auto play... what the actual hell? I need to turn this off, it's... gross.
He shivered, feeling dread creep up his spine. Just hearing it made him want to throw up.
He looked to the remote, which was on the floor and out of reach. Now how the heck do I get it without removing myself from the comfort of this couch? He felt like he would be dragged under the couch if he set foot on the ground, and it was daylight. Terrifying. The TV was getting a bit too loud, so he had to get that remote as soon as possible, without waking Shinsou.
Too late.
"Denki... what the fuck is this?"
"Uhhh- I didn't put this on."
Shinsou looked at him, then shrugged. "It's way too loud, and how the hell did this even get on? Is somebody pranking us?" That last part was a bit suggestive. "Damn this thing..." Shinsou reached for the remote and turned the cursed thing off, silencing the horrible sounds of those weirdos. "I'm gonna go shower." He then walked away, with a sour energy.
What's up with him? He said us? What does that even have to do with anything? This whole thing is weird. I need to go to my room and clear my mind, I've been outside for too long. Shinsou doesn't even shower in the morning though? I need to just shut up and stop overthinking this I'm sure it's nothing, right? Right just flood my brain with something else weird and disturbing...
The image of Dwane smith the Crock will popped up in his head, immediately rendering all of his thoughts disturbing and worse off than the first place.
He stood up suddenly, ignoring vertigo and speed walking to the safety of his room only stopping once the door was closed. "Ughhh man, why is this happening? I feel like I broke all my morals today..." the clock in bright, bold red letters told him it was only 6:09, school starts in... I'm not going to calculate that. Not now. Only in math would somebody need to do that.
Finally I'm thinking of something else- never mind. its back now. He covered his face with his knees, sliding down the door. I'm so tired... maybe a little more sleep will work, my alarm wont ring for a while so it will be fine. Standing up, vertigo came back again, but he ignored it and flopped down on the bed. Suddenly, the sharpest headache ever known to have conjured speared his brain.
"Aaah fuck!" He dug his nails into his skin, the intense pain moving to his eyes like they were being stabbed with metal. The feeling subsided rather quickly, and left him weary. What the Quacker was that? That hurt like hell...
Your own stupidity.
This again? I don't need another weird thing to happen, not like this is out of the ordinary.
Yea right I'm always here. Your negativity.
I don't need negativity.
Oh yes you do.
What is negativity even for? It doesn't help anything.
Remember the party? How you didn't feel good about it? That is negativity, I try to keep you safe and protected. I even tell you what's best!
Please, like removing myself from my friends is good for me or them.
Do you ever wonder why they use you so much as a charger, and yet respect Momo enough to not use her as a factory? They don't respect you. They don't care.
That's not true, they do care.
Then why would they leave me at the party all alone?

His eyes flicked open, the skin where he dug his nails was now stinging. He sat up slowly, as to not destroy his nerves again. I should really stop doing that. He looked around, colors now seemed duller than normal, and his room looked depressingly empty. The room seemed more like a prison than a home, he would have to change that.
Maybe some string lights, those with the clips to hold photos. To mark times I felt happiest.
He looked to his dresser. Maybe a jar for all the times I felt happy, I've seen those on videos.
His closet. Some organizational mini shelves, to put snacks and stuff on. Maybe even hanging shelves, so I can put a spare bed there and it would be like a mini room.
The ceiling. Depressingly empty, needs hanging lights.
The walls. Posters, definitely. My favorite bands of course.
The floor. A few rugs won't hurt, a nice vintage chest for all those collections I would like to keep as well.
Suddenly, somebody knocked on the door jolting him from his thoughts. "Holy bees, who is it? You scared me." The person paused. "It's me, Shinsou. Nobody else lives here, who else?" He said with a humorous tone, he didn't really feel like jokes though. "What do you want? You can come in, I'm not dangerous."
The shuffling from the door stopped, then the handle slowly twisted and opened. Shinsou came in with mildly damp hair. "I was wondering maybe we could go do something? Like I don't know, a restaurant?" He looked like he wanted to say more, but he didn't. "Well good timing, because I know what we could do." Shinsou looked up, confused. "Tell me about it." He drew in a breath. "We could redecorate our rooms, go to a home goods store or something maybe online and just redecorate."
He paused. "We could totally do each others rooms! That would be super fun, wouldn't it?" Shinsou thought for a second, leaning on the doorframe. "Sure. Let's do it. I'll be waiting by the door." He turned and headed for the door, as he jumped up and got his best attire on.
"Ready for redecoration, Sargent Shinsou!" He stood with the american salute, mimicking the soldiers famous pose. Shinsou chuckled and opened the door, all dressed up too. It seemed more like a date than a bro's room redecoration, except less formal. "Move out, platoon one." For some reason, he felt more comfortable around Shinsou. Like nothing could ever hurt him again.
The clock read 8:09

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