chapter 10 | neighbor

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"Oh no, my stomach feels like it's doing a backflip." Shyla groans, holding her hand to her stomach as she makes a face of angst.

Shyla may or may not have had a tad bit too much alcohol at the party, and now here we are in the bathroom at three o'clock in the morning.

Now, as I have said before, I did enjoy partying with Shyla. The only disadvantage is what happens after we party. That's the part that looks like this.

"I know," I sigh, holding her hair up and rubbing her back soothingly. "But look what happens when you do a backflip contest with a random guy." I tease her, trying to cheer her up.

She looks up at me, "Oh shut up." I laugh, tightening my hold on her hair. Just then, Kiaa comes running in, holding up a bag with a big smile on her face as she exclaims, "I found it!"

I tilt my head at her in question, "Found what exactly?" She sighs, rolling her eyes as she turns the bag around. The bag reads in bright red colors,


What the hell?

She comes up to Shyla and I, scattering the contents from the bag on the bathroom floor. "Alright, step away Malia." She says, stretching her neck and hands dramatically.

"Let Dr. Moore handle this shit." She teases, taking Shyla's hair in her hand before rambling to her. Shyla raises an arm to me, "No, don't leave me with the doctor." She whines, trying to itch away from Kiaa.

Kiaa rolls her eyes, gesturing for me to get out before taking a hair tie.

I quickly leave the bathroom, heading into my room so that I can take a shower. Flipping my suitcases open, I rummage through to find some comfortable panties.

But of course, while on my search, I find some fucking lingerie.

A sexy, lacy red lingerie set.

Dammit, Kade.

I huff, grabbing some cotton panties and an oversized shirt before going to the bathroom. "Dick" I mutter, slamming the door shut before turning on warm water.

Honestly, seeing him today just made me realize even more how crazy this is. The fact he is in Italy, the fact he was at lunch and the fact his family randomly popped up out of nowhere.

I still hadn't yet figured out what my mom was hiding about them, but I will soon. There's no fucking way she would keep shit from me, especially if its about Kade.

But, that would all get figured out soon, right now I had to just stay as far away from Kade as I possibly could. Which, no doubt, won't be hard. Seeing as he probably will be whoring around all summer.

Considering, after I argued with him at the party, I found him hiding under a tree making out with some girl.

They hadn't seen me, probably caught up in the clouds from the kiss. It seemed passionate; the red-head seemed to be very into it. But for some reason, Kade had looked out of it, like his mind wasn't there.

I had soon left after that, too caught up in disappointment to even bother with him. But what had made me even more disappointed is that I even cared he was kissing another woman, it's not like we're eighteen anymore, hell he could kiss whoever he wanted.

And even though I kept repeating those same words in my head, it's as if they simply faded away like a breath of air.
Grunts came from outside the house, making me jump out of bed. I hadn't been able to go to sleep, too caught up in my thoughts. It was four am now, so why the fuck is someone outside our house?

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