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Mully pov:
Does my crush like me back? JOSH MIGHT LIKE ME!? Fuck! I mean I'm way too different I mean I don't even know them as much as each other. I guess I can tell Grant I even see others trust him that says something.
"G r a n t"
"Yes William?"
"I need to talk to you"
"Oh- ok"
Grant blushed kinda. I feel bad for him I mean I DON'T like him. I like JOSH not GRANT so what do I tell him.

In a room:
"Ok Grant... can I trust you?"
"Ofc Mully"
"I like..."
"Who? I can tell you mine"
"I like Josh"
"Cool I like Ayden"
"So not me?"
"Fuck no"
I was glad I didn't break his heart.

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