Strategic Idiotic Life

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i Know in life there are its ups and downs, creepers, friends, idiots and others.

There are also the thinkers. i am a thinker. i am also a strategic player. I mean player as in like wits and not like dating.

So, i have a two friends. One is Paige and one is Hailey.

So these two friends are opposites. Paige is just completely plain while Hailey is... She is very popular crazed.

My wonderfully completely accurate Dictionary!

Popular crazed: When a person does whatever they can to receive popularity or a persons interest.

Populars: A group of popular ppl, some r actually nice

OK so now you know my terminology.

Hailey is extremely rude and only nice when alone with someone they know well.

She is nice to others who are the actual populars.

OK to stop my rant ill just say what i do.

You wait for people aka your friends to become absolutely obnoxious idiots.

When they confront you act like nothings wrong. THIS ONLY WORKS IF YOUR A GIRL!!!

i collect gossip from everywhere and you usually find at least five secrets. If they make you angry shrug it off and wait till you find something rather important to them and crush it.

OK so it might be overboard but it depends on the person/ action!!!

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