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Peter had just finished his final attempt to get through to Sable and now both were standing there, just waiting for the pin to drop.

Sable tried to avert her gaze as Peter was now stood in front of her, not wanting him to see her normally hardened expression crumble little by little.

She started to recollect their time spent together, from the moment she first met him, to their team ups and her return to New York.

He was quite immature in her initial opinion of him, juvenile and if she were completely honest irritating with his constant need to make jokes in the middle of a fight. His constant interference with her plans when she occupied the city put them at odds and if there was one thing she couldn't tolerate it was failure. Although her thoughts on that particular matter has changed, his behaviour hadn't.

By the time they had formed a temporary truce when going after Li, who had infiltrated an Oscorp research facility, she had to agree that his reasoning was sound and that they stood a better chance working together to secure Norman. But they were separated by more of Lis' men and he went off to fight Li alone, she made quick work of them and with the arrival of her own reinforcements she made her way through the facility to regroup with him, and for the first time in a long time she felt something almost foreign to her... worry.

Seeing his near broken body laying on the ground filled her with dread, he sounded weak and was barely conscious enough to do so even to the point where she and Dr. Michaels had to carry him from the facility to her vehicle and then once again through FEAST upon arrival at his request before falling into unconsciousness.

She was surprised to hear him thank her, as weak as he sounded, as she had caused him a lot of trouble while he was working to protect his city. She didn't want him to die, she remembers saying those words to him 'you can thank me by not dying', she didn't know why she said them. It just felt... right.

She left, returning to Symkaria, her home, to fight in the civil war ravaging her country. Thoughts of him plagued her mind, on more than one occasion did she think of him and what it would be like fighting alongside him, for as unorthodox his methodology, he seemed skilled, handling several supervillains over a few years showed his level of fighting ability and she was impressed with what he demonstrated. But upon hearing that her equipment, resources and supplies were now in the hands of a criminal, using them and twisting them for his own machinations. She was furious. A white hot rage brewing and just about ready to explode, and unfortunately he was to one she relented on. Blaming him while he tried everything to stop it and help.

She had used him, feigned a partnership so she could track his whereabouts and find Hammerhead. She may have succeeded in that part but she disregarded his warnings and walked right into a trap and if that wasn't bad enough she ended up captured. They had only begun her torture when he saved her, he still valued their partnership even when she used him and preferred to work alone.

They teamed up officially after that and with the new information on Hammerhead they were able to defeat him. But she could not stay to rejoice in their shared victory as she had to leave for Symkaria once again, her fight with Hammerhead may be finished but the war back home raged on and with a new found respect for the man they said their goodbyes.

Having gained a boost from working with him Sable fought harder than before and thanks to the arrival of her equipment her men were able to push back against their enemies and practically win the war. Although her encounter with ULTIMATUM and Taskmaster proved troublesome, they were merely the remnants of a defeated foe and would be dealt with in due time.

All that brings Sable back to now where the moments she's spent with him, getting to know him and his life, seeing the man behind Spider-Man and speaking with his aunt, her heartbeat quickened.

This wasn't just some feeling of respect or being impressed by his character, it was something more, and his aunt had probably hit the nail on the head. Feelings of amazement, astonishment and being mesmerised by him, she thought she didn't know why, but she was just lying to herself not wanting to open herself up again should she risk being hurt and experience the pain of loss once more.

But now... looking at him, worrying about her well being, showing such care and compassion she wasn't familiar with, she started to believe that maybe... he was worth the risk.

Steadying herself so that she may appear calm and focused she directed her attention back to Peter.

Seeing her face him again with her usual demeanour Peter let go of her arm hoping that this meant that she was now willing to open up to him, that she was now ready to confide in him about what has been on her mind lately.

"Okay. I'll tell you." She said softly, an unusual tone for her.

"Recently I have been... conflicted, about my... feelings. And I have been trying to figure them out... but I was unable to do so, at least not alone." Sable told him slowly.

"I had been feeling like this ever since..." she paused remembering when these changes began. "Since I brought you to FEAST, after your battle with Octavius. And these feelings had only... developed... the more time I spent and thought about you."

"I had spoken to your aunt, but we did not just discuss Ana. We talked about you... and me. What she said about what I'm feeling... and how you also felt like this before with Ms Watson... made me realise what was happening, and I was afraid. Afraid to open myself up again, to... care about someone again."

"I care about you. More than what I thought possible."

"I... like you... Peter. A lot, I have... f-feelings for you." Peter was taken aback by what was happening, was she actually trying to... confess her feelings for him.

"I think I... love you, Peter."

(Chapter 24 complete. Sorry if the confession at the end seemed a bit off, I wasn't sure how to write a fitting confession for her character (or just a confessions scene in general).

(Also Ana will DEFINITELY appear next chapter. I'll leave this confession in the air and go back to just Ana, then we will have Peters reaction.)

(I mentioned in the last chapter about my other story, it shouldn't be long now and the character in question is Adriana Soria AKA the spider Queen who had two main appearances in the comics and is as stated dead, but I've altered that for my story.)

(Anyways, Vote, Comment and Follow for updates, suggestions and continued support. Thanks.)

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