Chapter One

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I walk down the long hallways of my high school. Today everyone is ecstatic and anxious for the last bell of the day to go off in each and every of the classrooms so it can mark the beginning of summer vacation. As I pass lockers I can clearly see people by their lockers doing various activities such as, chatting, flirting, kissing, pretend fighting, texting, and so on. This is only my third year of high school and I'm a sophomore. In result to that, I am usually pretty used to this kind of stuff.

Though, even though I'm a sophomore, I barely have a social life. I have only one friend and we aren't even that close. The only things that we actually do together are saying, "hi" when we walk by each other and sitting next to each other at lunch so neither of us look like loners. The truth is that I actually am a loner. The loneliest kind in the world. I know almost absolutely nothing about anyone except for what I see on the outside. Though, I guess it kind of works like this. The way I see it is that I don't know anything about anyone, so in return they don't know anything about me.

I usually like to think that each school has specific groups for specific people. There are the populars, the weirdos, the nerds, the talented, and the outcasts. I am sort of an outcast. I don't fit into anything, really. That's the only reason that I'm looking forward to the end of this school year.

I used to have plenty of people in my life, but then my mom got a job here in Idaho Falls, ID. I left my friends when I left my old home. Occasionally, I will get a letter from one of them, but I don't send anything back because there's nothing to tell them. Most of the time I wish that I was still there with them.

Right now it is barely time for school to get out, and I am going to get all of my things from all of my classes and my locker. I soon reach my destination at my metal locker. I put in my combination.


I pull the latch up and towards me. The locker opens to reveal my collection of school book and supplies. My neon pink backpack hangs on a thin, metal hook. I grab it off of the hook as I take it into my free hand. I take my things that I have currently been holding and I put them into the bag. I then take my belongings from my locker and I neatly put them in the bag while making sure that everything is there.

When I am sure that I have everything there I swing the bag onto my back and put the straps over my arms. In result this makes myself slouch and bend over a little bit. I then take all of my heavy textbooks into my arms. This makes me bend over even more. I try to straighten up a bit, but it makes me lose my balance. Eventually, I give up on balancing and I close my locker.

I head back down the halls as I look down at my iPhone. I am going to go return my textbooks when I suddenly bump into someone resulting in my things, me, and the person I bumped into scattered on the floor. I look to the person and I see that it is a guy. Well, not just a guy. It's actually Zach Andrews, one of the most popular guys at school.

I stare at him for a moment with shock and embarrassment written all over my face. He starts to laugh as he turns his head to look at me better. He sees me and his laugh turns into a little chuckle and a smile.

"Sorry," Zach says as he comes a little closer to help me gather my books.

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't looking," I correct him.

"Neither was I," he tells me as he gives out another little laugh.

I smile the tiniest bit at this. He then smiles back at me. I finally realize that he now has all of my books even though I am still sitting on the floor. I look for my phone that fell out of my hand. I find it behind me and it lays face down on the floor. I pick it up cautiously, half of me knowing that it will be cracked and the other half hoping that it isn't. I turn it over slowly as I start to see small lines on the screen.

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