Chapter 1: The Fall

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I was sitting on the back of the carriage, the wind blowing through my black hair and my blue eyes squinting at the sun's glare. We had finally made it to the mountains after the long travels, and the few entertaining moments of testing my brother Arthur. He was amazing to put it simply, awakening at an age never heard of, and the abilities he was already showing guaranteed him a very powerful life. For me? Well I haven't awakened yet, I'm hoping I do soon seeing as Arthur did early on, though so far it hasn't been promising. I was entertaining myself by watching the ground move away from us as we continued on the path to Xyrus, it was all I could do to cure my boredom.

"Oscar, be careful not to fall off!" Alice, my mom said over the wind, her voice laced in slight worry at seeing my so close to the edge of the carriage

I turned around to look at her, she was watching over Arthur, who was reading a book, and at me.

"Don't worry mom! I'll be fine" I said with a bright smile and laughed at her worry towards me.

Mom shook her head with a big sigh and smiled a little before going back to looking at Arthur, the trip had been fairly calm for the most part. Climbing the mountains was currently the biggest challenge we have faced, they weren't called the Grand Mountains for no reason, they were well, grand. The view was stunning, the mountains gave off this menacing feeling, but it ignited something in you that made you want to enter. If you looked long enough you could see the clouds rolling over the mountains, like how waves crash in the ocean, it was beautiful. I felt like we could settle down here and never move, the beauty was enough to do so, but it was very remote so our parents had no reason to do so. A retirement here would be amazing, I may try to set up a resort for myself to return to when I'm old enough to do so. Maybe even one for Arthur, after all with his power he's sure to have a stressful life, whether he becomes an important part of an army, or a very well known professor, he's sure to be packed full of things to do.

My peace wasn't long lived, for Helen's voice rang through our ears, panicked she shouted.

"BANDITS! PREPARE TO ENGAGE!" As footsteps could be heard from all around us, making it so we had no easy way out.

I hastily turned and crawled into the carriage, my mom reaching for me and protecting both me and Arthur with her body

"Don't worry boys, we'll be fine." Mom said with a smile, though her shaking body betrayed her, we were all scared of what was going to happen.

"Submit, O' wind and follow my will. I command and gather you around in protection. Wind Barrier!" Wind started to flow everywhere around us, eventually forming into a sphere that protected the carriage.

Angela had summoned it in order to protect us, as she was concentrating to keep it from dropping. Chaos was happening outside. We could hear the noise of projectiles rebounding off the sphere of air.

Shouting, yells of pain, clashing of weapons, arrows hitting everywhere. We couldn't tell who was winning, or if anyone was winning, just the sounds that fighting causes.

From outside of the carriage I could hear a man's burly voice shout out "Look what we have here. Pretty good catch boys. Leave only the girls and children alive. Try not to scar them too much. Damaged goods will only sell for less."

Arthur seemed to glare at the man through the carriage, as if sealing the man's fate and making sure he never can say anything as of the same.

Even though mom was holding us as strong as she could, Arthur broke free and ran out of the carriage. Mom tried to grab him from running but he was too quick, and before I could even get up from where I was sitting he was out and into the fray.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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