Why me?!?

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A.N okay so in this chapter there will be ----> *SEXUAL CONTENT* it needs to be in it I might just change the rating of my story to rated R

"Y-you lost it to Derek?" I tried to say it calmly.

"Yeah," is all she says not looking up at me.

"Is that why he was looking for you at the club? Did he force you Mia?" I ask her turning her face towards me. She doesn't give in. She is still looking at the ground. She doesn't answer me. This just gets me more mad. "Dammit Mia if he forced I'm killing him,"

"No no he didn't its just..." She trails off looking around the room. Oh I get it she wants to talk in private.

"Come on let's talk somewhere else," I say reaching for her hand. I lead her upstairs to the guest room.

Shit! Now I have explain to Louis how he is dating a slut. Ever since we got here my phone has been beeping none stop. I wish I had my cousin here. Next to Karina and Jennifer my cousin Victoria is closest to me. I told her everything. She never judged me. She helped me through my problems. She helped me stop cutting. Oh did I mention she kicked Derek's ass too. Yeah that's right Karina'a brother got his ass kicked by a girl.

"Okay Mia talk," Louis demanded when we got into the room.

"Okay well you know Karina right?" I ask her doesn't make eye contact with me. He is pacing around the room and he just nods as a response. "Well we are really close I would go to her house almost everyday. We use to mess with her brother ,Derek, and finally we grew. He asked me out. Me being naive accepted even with the warnings from Jennifer, Victoria my cousin and my dad saying he is up to something. After we went for dinner he persuaded me into going home with him. That my parents wouldn't mind because it was Karina'a house. We started watching a movie," I say pausing a moment to look up to Louis.

He is still pacing but looks madder then before. He stops for a moment and looks at me. His eyes aren't there light blue anymore. They are much darker shade of blue. I look down immediately.

"Then he started kissing me. I told him we should stop. We did, but after we kissed again and said he wouldn't hurt me. He would always protect me and he would go...... Gentle. And that's it I lost it to him. But little did I know it was just a bet. And I am a slut a whore a skank for after one date I slept with him. For him to ignore me when I went to his house. For his ignore my calls. Tell all his friends 'yeah she had her legs wide open for me' I'm such a slut what do you see in me Louis! Really?!?" I says I didn't realize tears are coming down. I start sobbing out of control. "Ugh I should go I'm sorry," I say getting up. I walk out and Ronnie is there sitting on the couch telling Harry how he is such an idiot. "Bye guys I'm sorry for all this drama," without another word I left. And to my surprise well not really I wasn't expecting for him to follow me but I was just hoping. But I know I'm not worth it. I feel so vulnerable right now. I look at my phone and see I got a notification from twitter. I open and it says:

@ItsMiiia!! Your so pretty I'm glad your keeping BooBear happy please follow back you guys are already my fav couple LIA all the way!!

I smile at that and follow her. In hopes I made her day. I walk off the porch only to get literally ran over by paps. I groan. I make my way through and walk to the nearest gas station. I call myself a cab and wait. It's not help when you are surrounded by paps. Asking stupid ass questions. It's like dammit leave me the fuck alone! I'm not in the mood. Teen age girl crying and they won't leave me alone.

My cab finally pulls up and I text Karina, Jennifer, Sabrina, and Victoria.

Hey Karina Ill be home explain what happens later Xx ~Miiaa :D

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